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Friday, July 8, 2011

AKB前田、「もしドラ」弾丸PRツアーで最後のお願い JAPAN 2011

AKB前田、「もしドラ」弾丸PRツアーで最後のお願い JAPAN 2011
beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals


 AKB48の前田敦子(19)が4日、初主演映画「もし高校野球の女子マネージャーがド ラッカーの『マネジメント』を読んだら」(田中誠監督)の公開初日舞台あいさつを東京・六本木と大阪・梅田で行った。まず東京でセーラー服姿であいさつし た前田は、そのまま東海道新幹線に乗り込んで大阪へ急行。夜には帰京するという日帰り弾丸PRツアーを敢行して大忙しだった。(サンケイスポーツ
  午後0時半。劇中と同じ姿で共演の峯岸みなみ(18)、川口春奈(16)らとTOHOシネマズ六本木ヒルズの舞台に登場。「制服を着て青春映画に出られる のも、今しかできないこと。プライベートでは青春というものがなかったので、この映画に青春が詰まっています」と愛きょうたっぷりの笑顔をふりまいた。
  • < 前のページ



岩崎夏海 早稲田大学名誉教授・吉村作治 「ドラッカーはなぜ…」

岩崎夏海 早稲田大学名誉教授・吉村作治 「ドラッカーはなぜ…」

 beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals

 『ドラッカーはなぜ、マネジメントを発明したのか その思想のすべてを解き明かす』

  『もしドラ』(もし高校野球の女子マネージャーがドラッカーの『マネジメント』を読んだら)という小説の著者、岩崎夏海氏にお会いした。私が出演した TBS系の情報番組「教科書にのせたい!」でドラッカーのマネジメント論をレクチャーしたのを聞いたのだ。この本は何百万部も売れ、作者は超有名人なのだ そうだが、見た限り、はにかみ屋の普通のおじさんという感じだったが、経済理論を素人にわかり易(やす)く話してくださった。
 私にとって 経済理論というと、20世紀初めに「ピラミッドは墓ではなく公共事業で、職を失った農民の救済のために考え出された」と説いたケインズという学者のものし か知らなかったのだが、考古学にマネジメント学を応用できないかと考えていたので、早速本屋さんにドラッカーの本を買いに行った。驚いたのは、ドラッカー 本が何十種類も平積みにされている。「1時間でわかる」「1日でわかる」といった速修型の本が多い中、一見難しそうだが本質論に入っているようだったので 買ってみた。


中日劇場 情熱的腰つき 大人の翼 主演「PLAYZONE’11 SONG&DANC’N.」

beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals

人気デュオ「タッキー&翼」の今井翼(29)が主演するミュージカル「PLAYZONE’11 SONG&DANC’N.」が8日、東京・青山劇場で初日を迎えた。8月7日まで同所で上演される。



今年は新たにジャニーズ事務所の先輩の近藤真彦(46)、SMAP、KinKi Kidsの曲も演目に加わった。幕あいに近藤から「がんばれ」と激励の電話を受けた今井は「見に来られるそうなので、ぜひご一緒させてほしい」と、ステージでの共演を公開リクエストした。




「発表する前夜に電話があり、結婚と妊娠を聞きました」と明かし、「親友としてうすうす感じてました。先を越されちゃいましたね」と苦笑いした。自身の恋愛については「乞うご期待ですね。今恋してるのはプレイゾーンですから!」とけむに巻いていた。...READ MORE

マキタスポーツ「10年目の結婚式」の謎 JAPAN

マキタスポーツ「10年目の結婚式」の謎  JAPAN
beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals



去る7月3日、東京・新宿ロフトプラスワンにて「あくまでプライベート」に謎の「結婚式」が行われた。当日の主役の一人である「新郎」は作詞作曲モノマ ネや、自身のバンド「マキタ学級」など音楽とお笑いを融合した芸風で、その才能を高く評価されているマキタスポーツ。だが、彼はすでに結婚して10年目。 なぜ、今、結婚式なのか? そしてなぜ、ロフトプラスワンなのか?










「せっかく才能があるのに、その才能が渋滞している」(水道橋博士)と言われるマキタスポーツだが、今回の結婚式では「売れている曲の構造を徹底的に分析 してつくった」という新曲『10年目のプロポーズ』も披露。この結婚式と新曲を機に、さらなるブレイクをするに違いない。

◆マキタスポーツ&ノゾミスポーツ「10年式」 ゲスト一覧


小池龍之介 話題の僧侶に聞く なぜ今、【ブッダブーム】なのか

小池龍之介 話題の僧侶に聞く なぜ今、【ブッダブーム】なのか
beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals

映画『手塚治虫のブッダ―赤い砂漠よ美しくー』が公開され、同時に東京国立博物館では『手塚治虫のブッダ展』が開催(6月26日で終 了)。書店に行けば、『心がスーッとなるブッダの言葉』『ブッダに学ぶとわられない生き方』『ブッダはなぜ腹が立たないの』など、仏教の開祖・釈迦=ブッ ダを取り上げた書籍が並ぶ。

なぜ、今、ブッダブームなのか!? 『超訳ブッダの言葉』『ブッダにならう苦しまない練習』などの著作もある話題の僧侶・小池龍之介氏に話を聞いた。――なぜ、今、ブッダに注目が集まっているのでしょうか?

小池 「釈迦=ブッダが流行しているのは、なぜだと思いますか?」。最近になって、私自身、このような取材を立て続けに受けております。よりによって、ブッダが流行として消費されるのは奇妙な光景ですけれども、それには確かな背景があるように思われます。





小池 ブッダが生きた時代、今からおよそ2500年前のインドでは高度に商業が発達して、若いころのブッダをはじめとした一部の豊かな人々は様々な快楽を得ながら生きていました。






小池氏をはじめ5人の僧侶による覚悟の決め方 僧侶が伝える15の智慧には、仏教の見地から3.11後の“空虚”“不安”への処方箋が提示されている。

取材・文/鈴木靖子 写真/佐藤克秋

いつか天魔の黒ウサギ神様のメモ帳, 神メモ, r 15, ダンタリアンの書架 アニメ, ダンタリアンの書架

いつか天魔の黒ウサギ神様のメモ帳, 神メモ, r 15, ダンタリアンの書架 アニメ, ダンタリアンの書架
beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals

注目アニメ紹介 :「いつか天魔の黒ウサギ」 “死ねない”少年の学園バトル
「いつか天魔の黒ウサギ」のビジュアル (C)鏡貴也・榎宮祐/富士見書房/宮阪高校生徒会自分が平凡な人間だと信じていた少年が、ある「約束」を思い出したことで波乱の運命に巻き込まれていく「いつか天魔の黒ウサギ」が、8日深夜から始まる。原作は、アニメ化もされた「伝説の勇者の伝説」の鏡貴也さんが手がけた富士見書房発行の人気ライトノベルだ。



鉄大兎の声は「セキレイ」の立花慎之介さん、サイトヒメアは「鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST」の高本めぐみさん、宮坂高校の生徒会長で自らを天才と言い切る紅月光は「マクロスF」の中村悠一さん。アニメーション制作は「伝説の勇者の伝説」に引き続きゼクシズが担当する。


※放送局・時間は変更される場合があります。READ MORE

楽天チケット 楽天オープン, 楽天オープン 2011 チケット, 盛岡 ホテル

楽天チケット 楽天オープン, 楽天オープン 2011 チケット, 盛岡 ホテル
beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals


大会のスローガンは「GAME ON JAPAN」。






PSM6: Interrogation all about Bersih, 2011

PSM6: Interrogation all about Bersih 2011
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psm lodge police report penang 030711 s arutchelvanThe six Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) members detained under the Emergency Ordinance were repeatedly asked about their links to the upcoming Bersih 2.0 rally.

Despite the police accusing them of reviving communist ideology, the detainees were apparently asked about nothing else but their links to the Coalition of Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih 2.0).

"They were not asked about PSM, or the Communist Party of Malaya or even our current Udahlah campaign," party secretary-general S Arutchelvan (right) told Malaysiakini.

He said that while some of the detainees were completely left in solitary confinement, some were forced to admit to being a part of Bersih 2.0.

"They were forced to admit to being a part of Bersih 2.0. They were also asked if they knew the Bersih 2.0 leaders and whether they are cooperating today," he said, adding that the detainees had also complained of being “mentally tortured”.

The six, including Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj, were among 50 people detained at the Sungai Dua toll plaza in Kepala Batas, Penang on June 25 under Section Section 122 of the Penal Code for allegedly attempting to wage war against the king.

The activists were participating in the northern leg of the party's 'Udah La Tu Bersaralah' roadshow campaign that kicked off on June 24, and were apparently carrying T-shirts and leaflets with the names Chin Peng, Rashid Maidin and Suriani Abdullah, all of whom are linked to the CPM.

After their remand expired on June 30, they were re-arrested under Section 2 (1) of the Emergency Ordinance 1969.

'Meeting with family only 15 minutes'

NONEDespite the publicity on the police's official Facebook page which said that the detainees met with their families for an hour yesterday, Arutchelvan denied this and said that the time spent was only a quarter of what the police had claimed.

He said that each detainee were only allowed to meet their family for 15 minutes and they could only see two family members at most.

"The detainees were even brought in from their cells into the meeting room blindfolded... (The police) didn't want the detainees to know where they were.

"But for the police to put it up on Facebook (left), they have to be guilty of something," he said, alluding fault on the police's part.

Arutchelvan also said that the detainees were only allowed to meet their lawyers yesterday as well, nearly a full week after they were arrested under the EO.

Under the law, a detainee should be allowed access to their lawyers immediately once they are arrested.

However, he said that the meetings between the detainees and the lawyers were video-recorded entirely by the police, depriving them of privacy.

“This is unprecedented,” he exclaimed.

Under the Emergency Ordinance - introduced in the 1969 to counter communists guerillas - there is provision for a 60-day detention period without trial and indefinite extensions of two-year detention orders upon the approval of the home minister.

Exclusive rajib - mms scandals free download Sadia Jahan Prova Bangladeshi Superstar TV Actress

Exclusive rajib -  mms scandals free download Sadia Jahan Prova Bangladeshi Superstar TV Actress  

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Exclusive rajib - Sadia Jahan Prova Bangladeshi Superstar TV Actress mms scandals all clips 1,2,3,4, free download

her Full Name is Sadia Jahan Prova. She is only 22 years old. Very short time she has lot of fan in this Bangladesh. Prova is now very Popular and hot actress in TV Media in Bangladesh.

This is prova, one of the famous female actress and model in bd. she had engaged with her 8 years bf rajib last 16 april this year, but 4 days ago she disappeared with one of the famous actor from bangla media named apurbo and they getting married. after this shocking news her fionse rajib reliese this video clip along with another one net.
best scandal ever happened in bangladesh, india media.

A source told me Rajib published a MMS scandel clip between Prova and Rajib scandel via internet and day by day MMS clip between Rajib and prova Liked as my information Prova rajib mms clip 1,2,3,4 and prova rajib 5 licked yet and more prova and rajib clip will come.....MORE

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a award winning "aha" diretor Enamul Karim Nirjhor involved sex scandal with Busty Bangladeshi model and television presenter Nadia Nasim Chaity.model Nadia Nasim Chaity, co-host of a famous TV show "Shuveccha".

after this video the model Nadia Nasim Chaity is romoved in tv shows.

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Swetha menon - Kannoram Chingaram in Rathinirvedam hot video watch online rethinirvedam movie hot stills watch online video

Swetha menon - Kannoram Chingaram in Rathinirvedam hot video watch online rethinirvedam movie hot stills watch online video
beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals

Rathinirvedam remake | Rathinirvedam 2 Stills | Rathinirvedam remake videos | Rathinirvedam shwetha menon | Rathinirvedam remake stills | Rathinirvedam

Tag: Rathinirvedam remake,Rathinirvedam 2 Stills, Rathinirvedam remake videos, Rathinirvedam shwetha menon, Rathinirvedam remake stills, Rathinirvedam

Malayali’s most awaited movie Rathinirvedam is being censored and the movie time is being minimised to 2hours and 5minutes. Being the remake of old Rathinirvedam directed by Bharatan the new generation is expecting a lot from the new version. Shweta Menon is doing the role of Rathi and Sreejith doing the role of Pappu. The movie is produced by Suresh Kumar under Revathy Kalamandir banner. Rathinirvedam is releasing on Thursday in Kerala and on Friday in other parts. 

Swetha Menon Photos in RathiNirvedam 2 Movie Remake

The website of Rathinirvedam 2, the remake of the classic movie Rathinirvedam (1978) has been launched.

The website will be available at The landmark movie in the Malayalam film industry Rathinirvedam was directed by Bharathan using the story and screenplay of Padmarajan. Jayabharathi and Krishnachandran did the lead roles in the 1978 movie.

The remake of the movie starring Swetha menon is using the same screenplay by the writer himself. Sreejith Vijay does the role of Pappu. Other cast include Manianpilla Raju, Shammi Thilakan, Guinees Pakru, KPAC Lalitha, Maya Viswanath etc. The movie is directed by TK Rajeev Kumar under the banner Revathy Kalaamandhir. Music is composed by M Jayachandran.

swetha menon malayalam actress in settu mundu neriyathu for the movie rathi nirvedam second part

Swetha Menon the south indian actress will be doing the role of Rathi Chechi in this malayalam movie that will be released in 2011.

In 1978 Padmarajan directed the romantic movie Rathinirvedam. Now after 32 years in 2010 T.K.Rajeev Kumar is going to remake this malayalam movie with new hero and heroine.

Shweta Menon is the actress of Rathinirvedam second part.

While media persons visited the actress Shetha Menon for an exclusive interview , she said that the shooting location at Mavelikkara in Kerala was under the tight security of police.

The film shooting will be completed very soon. There was huge crowd outside the shooting locations of 'Rathinirvedam 2'

Swetha Menon jokingly said that they are planning to sell tickets for allowing people to watch shotting.

The hero of the film Rathi Nirvedam Second part is Srijith.

Srijith is the hero of Fazil's latest movie. Thus the "Living Together Fame" Sreejith will be doing the role of young by who tried to seduce Rathi Chechi (Swetha Menon).

Earlier Shweta Menon has refused saying that it is a gossip and that she will not be doing this role in Rathi nirvedam 2.

She has said that she will be happy to do the role of Seema in the remake of the malayalam controversial movie Avalude Ravukal by the director I.V Sasi.

This malayalam movie tells the story of a teenage boy's love with a mature neighbour girl elder than him. The remake of Rathinir vedam's shooting location is at Nilamburwhich will start shooting in September 3 rd 2010.

Who will be the new actor and actress doing the role of jayabharathi (Rathi)and Krishnachandran (Pappu) in the remake film.

This is the latest discussion going in souh indian film lovers minds. Suresh Kumar is producing Rathinirvedam in the banner of Revathy Kakamandir.

The Audio Mp3 Songs of the malayalam movie Rathinirvedam 2 Remake has been released.

The video songs of the Rathinirvedam 2 are yet to be released.

The photo gallery of Swetha Menon in Rathinirvedam has already been a hit.

The already hit songs from Rathinirvedam were sung by the famous Indian female singer Shreya Ghoshal.

Shreya Ghoshal had sang the malayalam songs like "Kannoram Chingaram" , "Madhumasa Mounaragam" in the cinema Rathi Nirvedam.

The other songs "Chembakapoo" was by singer Sudeep Kumar and the song "Nattuvazhiyile" was by singer Nikhil Raj and the song "Mazhavillano" was by singer M Jayachandran and Karthika Vaidyanathan.

The Music of the Rathinirvedam Remake was done by M Jayachandran and TK Rajeev Kumar is the director of this movie.

Menaka Suresh Kumar is the Producer of the cinema Rathinirvedam 2.

James Taylor and Vince Gill Celebrates Fourth of July 2011

James Taylor and Vince Gill Celebrates Fourth of July 2011
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Sure, there were fireworks. But it was the crackle of sweet memories that resonated through Vince Gill's mind during the recent Fourth of July weekend as he stood onstage, singing with his musical idol, James Taylor.

Gill and his wife, pop and gospel singer Amy Grant, were Taylor's personally-invited guests at Tanglewood Music Center in Lenox, Mass., on July 3-4. Each show drew a sold-out crowd of 18,000 fans.

"It was a magical couple of nights," says Gill, who, despite his reputation for having recorded with virtually everybody else in the universe, had never worked with Taylor before.

"The first night we went out there [I told him], 'I've got to say thank you for letting me cross this off my bucket list. My big sister brought your first record into the house. I'll never forget it. I can remember her sitting there in her room and listening to that record even 40-some years later."

That album was Sweet Baby James, which came out in 1970 and instantly established Taylor as a major talent.

Taylor's invitation was unexpected, Gill says, even though he and Grant had been scheduled to perform in a tribute to Taylor at Carnegie Hall in April. They were forced to cancel their appearance when Grant's mother became gravely ill.

"I don't think this had anything to do with it," Gill says. "I think it was just last-minute. He called me a week and a-half or two weeks before that performance and said, 'Hey, I'm taking a long shot here, but if you're not doing anything July the Fourth weekend, we're playing up here, and I wondered if you or you and Amy or any combination thereof would come up.'

"It was perfect. We didn't have anything going on. So we jumped up there and had the trip of a lifetime. It was unbelievable."

Gill says his and Grant's parts in the shows required little rehearsal or preparation. "His band is world class. They charted everything out and had it nailed. It couldn't have been better."

One of Taylor's band members is fiddler Andrea Zonn, who years ago toured with Gill.

"I got to tell James' wife, Kim, the story of when Andrea called me [about working with Taylor]," Gill says.

The essence of that story is that Zonn phoned Gill and told him Taylor had asked her to go on the road with him but that she had turned him down in favor of staying with Gill.

Gill says his reaction to Zonn's display of loyalty was quick and decisive.

"I said, 'You knucklehead! Call him back. You've got to do that. This is the chance of a lifetime. Don't blow this.'"

Zonn did call back, and she's been with Taylor ever since.

"That was the cool part of this weekend -- the emotional tie for her. It was really fun to be a part of it."

On the second night's show, Taylor asked Gill to sing "Sweet Baby James" with him.

"That was a big old highlight right there," Gill says with a chuckle.

Among the songs Gill and Grant performed from their catalogs of recording, either separately, together or with Taylor, were the Grant hits "House of Love," "Baby Baby" and "Better Than a Hallelujah" and Gill's classic "Pretty Little Adriana" and "Whenever You Come Around."

"He's Beatle-like to me," Gill says of Taylor's musical impact. "He's the singer-songwriter that gave me the greatest place to shoot for."

It's shaping up to be a musically varied summer for Gill, who will bow his own album, Guitar Slinger, this fall.

On July 28-29, he'll play bluegrass shows at the famed Birchmere performance center in Alexandria, Va., a nod to his earliest musical roots.

"I don't envision doing what Ricky [Skaggs] has done -- leaving country music behind and playing only bluegrass," he says. "I don't think I would ever do that. ... But I've never stopped loving bluegrass. I don't get to play it as much as I used to -- not by choice but by circumstance."

As usual, Gill's been busy recording on other projects. He's on the upcoming tribute album to Guy Clark and has lately done guest turns on albums by Johnny Winter, Alice Cooper and the Celtic group Cherish the Ladies. He reports he's been putting finishing touches on his part of a new album by the Time Jumpers, the ad hoc band of superpickers that performs each Monday night at Nashville's bluegrass mecca, the Station Inn.

Besides all this, he's producing an album on his daughter and frequent singing partner, Jenny.

Gill played to an entirely new audience recently when the National Public Radio show Wait Wait ... Don't Tell Me! came to Nashville. On it, he was persuaded to play "Not My Job," a game which involves guessing at answers on a subject one knows nothing about, in this case another man named Vince -- the late actor Vincent Price.

Despite Gill's vowed ignorance of the topic, he racked up a perfect score. So he must be a fan of the show, right?

"I can honestly say I'd never heard it before," he confesses. "That's not my cup of tea so much, not because of content but because of lifestyle. I'm out playing golf. I'm not a radio bug or computer bug, and I'm less and less a TV junkie. It was fun, though. There's a bunch of braniacs there, so I was a little cautious."

Despite his multiple-Grammy winning voice and stellar guitar picking, Gill has always taken the most pride in his songwriting, a pride endorsed by his 2005 election into the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame.

Not surprisingly, he co-wrote all the songs on Guitar Slinger.

"I'm probably crossing over to writing more than just for a record now," he says. "For the longest time, when I was really busy and on the radio -- all the way immersed in it -- I wrote just for the record because there wasn't enough time [to write for its own sake].

"But now, I find myself sitting down and poking around with a few different ideas. I wrote a really neat story song the other day. I don't know where it came from or whatever. But it's dark and pretty edgy. This is probably the most creative space I've ever been in. I put a studio in at the house. So there's music at home all the time."

Yao Ming Retires from the NBA 8-year NBA career

Yao Ming Retires from the NBA 8-year NBA career
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Yao Ming has decided to retire from the NBA according to Yahoo!’s Adrian Wojnarowski. Yao informed the league in the last couple days.Yao is just 30 years old, but only played in 486 of a possible 656 games in his 8-year NBA career. (He played in 244 of 246 games in his first three years. It’s all downhill from there.) He finished with career averages of 19 points, 9 rebounds and 1.9 blocks per game.

It seems like just yesterday when Yao looked like the big man that would help Houston return to the NBA Finals. In his first season, the Rockets went from 28 wins to 47-wins and contended for a first-round playoff exit most of the years he played in Houston.

In the end, Yao will be remembered as an immensely popular (A lock to be voted starting center for the West thanks to overseas ballots), oft-injured, gentle giant.

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chick fil a chilis Many "moo-ve" it to Chick-fil-A for free food
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Holy cow! Southern Hills Mall was packed, Friday, taken over by a herd of bovine boys and girls. They're all there to grab a free bite at Chick-fil-A.

People were "Milking" it for all it was worth... A free meal for the veal or anyone. But, there was one rule; you had to dress up like a cow.

"If you come dressed as a cow you're going to get a free meal," said Kristine Chrad with Chik-fil-A.

"We got shirts and we got some construction paper that we cut out cow spots with," said nine year old Olivia Chapin.

You didn't need anything too elaborate to get some food. The restaurant provided free cow hats. But, that wasn't enough for some.

It's an annual tradition for Denise Heiman to grab a bite in her cow suit she brings from home. She said in the years she's been using it, it's more than paid for itself.

"I got this at a costume shop and I think this is the third or fourth time I have done this," she said.

"It's a day for Chick-fil-A to give back to our customers nation-wide. It starts in Atlanta at our corporate offices and goes all the way across the country," said Chrad

Hard to find "beef" with a free bite.

Chick-fil-A was open at the Southern Hills Mall in Sioux City until 9 PM Friday. The event ran until close at stores nation-wide.

Aaliyah and Jet Li - Romeo Must Die (Accidentally in Love), Feat. Timbaland & Jet Li Try Again

Aaliyah and Jet Li - Romeo Must Die (Accidentally in Love), Feat. Timbaland & Jet Li Try Again
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The VH1 series Behind the Music aired the first of its seven new episodes on June 29. The episode featured a look at the rise and stardom of rapper Missy Elliott.

Elliott recalls several big moments in her career including her first meeting with Sean "Diddy" Combs along with her memories of the late Aaliyah. She summed up her approach to the game tersely:

"I thought I had something that was unique. I wanted to break down all barriers and be a risk taker."

She also spoke about her struggle with Graves disease — an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid. Those who suffer from Graves experience drastic mood swings and weight loss.

The episode features appearances by Missy's many friends and admirers including Snoop Dogg, Mary J. Blige, Ciara, Timbaland, Magoo, and MC Lyte.

While she was waiting at the bus stop in September 2010, 12-year-old Aaliyah Utti fainted on the way to school.

She went to the emergency room and was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, a disease that weakens the heart muscle and makes it hard for the heart to pump blood to other parts of the body, said Dr. William Mahle, Aaliyah's doctor. Dr. Mahle is the medical director of the Heart Transplant Program at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta and an associate professor of pediatrics at Emory University School of Medicine.

Aaliyah was discharged after a week, and Dr. Mahle continued to follow her symptoms.

“Something didn't look right with her heart,” said Sophia Allen, Aaliyah's mother. “To go up the staircase was a struggle for her.”

In February 2011, Aaliyah developed a cough, and doctors discovered she had blood clots and would need a heart transplant.

“I was not expecting anything like that,” Allen said. But, “there was no alternative, so if that's what she had to do to live a normal life, we decided we would do it.”

“I didn't want it,” Aaliyah said of the transplant. But now that it's happened, she said she's glad to feel the same as she did before she started having heart problems.

Aaliyah only had to wait a few days to find a transplant, Dr. Mahle said, and she received her new heart on March 12.

Allen said her religious faith helped her deal with Aaliyah's heart transplant.

“I was not that nervous, because I put everything in our power's hands,” Allen said. “She was not nervous – some kids would be crying, but she was so calm.”

Being in the hospital was “a little different,” Aaliyah said. “People kept coming in my room.” But her family came to visit her and bring her food.

“She had a lot of friends come in and visit her. I think – like any teenager – she was pretty frightened,” Dr. Mahle said. But “she went home six days later, which is pretty remarkable.”

Aaliyah was able to go back to school in the first week of April, Allen said.

“They were talking about homeschool, but she made such an effort and her recovery was so fast” that she was able to go back to the seventh grade at McConnell Middle School, Allen said.

Now that Aaliyah has recovered, she and her mother are thankful for the doctors and nurses who did the operation.

“We were very grateful for the services we got from the whole crew – the nurses, the doctors,” Allen said.

Related Topics: Aaliyah Utti, Cardiomyopathy, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Heart, Heart Transplant, and Medical

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Vengai 2011 is an awaited upcoming Dhanush Tamil Movie directed, story, and screenplay by Hari starring Dhanush,Tamannah, Goundamani, Prakash Raj, and Ganja Karuppu.

Tahajjud Cinta Drama synopsis Slot Zehra TV3

Tahajjud Cinta Drama synopsis Slot Zehra TV3
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one more interesting drama that will meet in the slot Zehra namely TV3 Drama Tahajjud Cinta which is a guide Erma Fatima, between the performers involved in this drama is Fazura, Fouziah Gous, Eman Manan, Remy Ishak, Shahz Jaszle, Tiz Zaqyah, Aaron Aziz, Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Shamsudin jeans and Neelofa, perform in a play Participate Norish Karman, Datuk Ahmad Tamimi Siregar, Dira Abu Zahar, Ziela Jalil, Azizah Mahzan, Fazreen, Heryanto, Fadhilah Mansor, Melissa Saila and crowded again.

Synopsis Tahajjud Cinta
Tahajjud Cinta tells the sacrifice of two women, Citra Maisara (Fazura) and Series (Fouziah Gous) in the fight for truth, rights and reputation of women. Derived from two differing backgrounds, image is the daughter to the husband and wife who is an IT infrastructure peneraju ogre.

During 5 years of studying outside the country, your parents did not know the image of her piping bahawa to London to attend courses Civil Legislation in rahsia had emigrated to Jordan to explore majors Sharia Laws. There, image originally met with her closest friend, who teamed Series the same ideals.
First course of their lives are bombarded with various allegations and intense pressure after returning to the bosom of their families in Malaysia. Returning in Malaysia, the mother of the father image was very surprised with the changes and graduation diperolehinya. The image was so disappointed with the action, his father's mother did not approve the berazam image to continue his dream as a peguam Sharia.
However, everything changed when her sister, Emelda (Tiz zakiah) terseksa due to malignancy by her husband (Heryanto). Seeing the image of defending Emelda seriousness than her husband's oppression, finally approved the struggle ibubapa image.

Unlike it is with the fate of the Series, where he was forced to forget his ideals as peguam Sharia. At the request of his father (Ahmad Tarmimi), the Series was forced to get married by Ustaz Shauki (Eman Manan) which has been financed teachings Series outside the country. Unfortunately, the Series became prey flogging Shauki Ustaz who already has three wives (Eirma Fatima, Melissa Saila & Dira Abu Zahar). Series also forced to forget his love for Solohudin (Remy Ishak), son to Ustaz Shauki.

This situation also menghiris feelings of all three wives Ustaz Shauki which is also very jealous of the Series. Although terseksa, for the sake of the family remains steadfast and Redha Series continue to live, away from his ideals who want to thrive as a peguam Sharia. However, the situation would change if the emergence Armani (Neelofa).

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weng tzymann, lillian chen, how many character voices has crispin freeman worked on, lilian chen JJ Lin rumored to be secretly dating Weng Tzymann
beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals

In the latest edition of Next Magazine, it was reported that after singer-songwriter JJ Lin broke up with model Chen Li-Ling in March, he has been secretly dating the Entertainment News Show Host sweetheart Smile Weng Tzymann (also known as one of the “five beauties of National Taiwan University”). The two were recently spotted going to the KTV, entering and leaving the place at different times.

JJ, who is 30 years old, is five years older than Tzymann. The two met last year December at Yahoo’s popularity awards where they exchanged phone numbers. At the end of April, a reader tipped off the magazine, as he/she spotted JJ and Tzymann going to the movies together several times at the Core Pacific City (Living Mall) in Taipei. However, to avoid suspicion, they always go with friends and pick show times that are after 11pm. Regarding this, JJ’s assistant expressed that they are just friends and have never gone out alone. Tzymann’s assistant also explained that there were many other people present at the KTV and that they are just friends.

Source: UDN, Appledaily

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If have an iOS devices (iPod, iPhone, iPad) jailbroken, you must likely to have Installous application from Hackulo repository on your devices as well. It's a great apps and i would recommend it to you.
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Kate Pang 庞蕾馨 Singapore

Kate Pang 庞蕾馨 Singapore
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SINGAPORE: While most new actors and actresses start out with small supporting roles, Taiwan-born Singapore actress Kate Pang was immediately thrown into the deep end after joining MediaCorp last year.

She was cast as Lin Le, a mousy young woman who rebels against her over-protective mother (played by veteran actress Mimi Choo) to follow her dreams, in the currently airing romantic drama "A Tale of 2 Cities".

The thing is, Lin Le is one of the main characters in the drama, and Pang says playing her was a nail-biting experience.

"I only did television commercials when I was in Taiwan. The difference is really huge, because in commercials, the emotions that you are required to portray are limited.

"You are selling a product so you usually just need to look happy, compared to acting in a drama serial where you always have to have different expressions and play off your co-star," Pang said during the press lunch for "A Tale of 2 Cities".

"I felt a lot of pressure because this is my first role but it's a big role! Every day, I was on tenterhooks because I was really worried about not performing well."

Kindness of Strangers

Fortunately, she was working with a lot of veterans in "A Tale of 2 Cities" like Yao Wenlong (who plays her lover), Pierre Png and Mimi Choo, who were only too happy to lend her a helping hand.

"Sometimes, I don't even remember where the camera is pointing at. Luckily, the rest of the cast will worry about me and remind me about these things," said Pang with an embarrassed laugh, before going on to praise Choo for being "very kind and treating me like her own daughter".

"My senior colleagues take good care of me," she said.

She went on to reveal that Yao and Png had their own special way of welcoming her to the Caldecott acting fraternity and making her feel at home on the set.

"These two big brothers, they always play pranks and make fun of me!" Pang sighed as she pointed to her co-stars Png and Yao who were busy tucking into lunch.

"I remember we were shooting a scene where Pierre hurt his arm. We (I and Yao) were supposed to show concern towards him when he tried to pour us a drink with his injured arm.

"Yao decided to slip an egg [of all things] into my glass. So I couldn't drink from it at all and it just made me really want to laugh so badly! But I couldn't because it was supposed to be a really sombre scene and the camera was rolling!"

Sticking with it

Even with such supportive colleagues, Pang admitted that it still took her quite some time to get used to the tight shooting schedule of drama serials here.

"There are days when I am so tired, my eyes could barely stay open and my brain felt like it could not remember my lines," confided Pang.

But the ever-optimistic Pang sees the glass as half full.

"I like every day being very different, I like getting completely exhausted for a few days then getting some rest days. It really makes you appreciate those few off days you get.

"I like this job!"

"A Tale of 2 Cities" airs every weekday at 9pm on Channel 8.

Audition SEA 6118–IcyPopX Hack 2011

Audition SEA 6118–IcyPopX Hack 2011
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Individual hacks for sales.
Made by request.
So you can request a hack and we’ll proceed with creating it.
Contact us now! Free private hacks for first few customers!
Hacks are working on all Windows platform.
Window XP 32/64bits
Window Vista 32/64bits
Window 7 32/64bits
Please refer to the 2nd half of the thread for NPC reset guides
Auto-Injector has been included now! For users who choose to use it, please run it as admin for Window Vista / 7.
For those who have problem using the Auto-Injector please feedback to me what operating system are you on and you’re adviced to use back the old injector for the time being. Thank you.
AuditionSEA 6118 Public Hack
Step by step on how to use.
After downloading the .rar
Step 1, Press the arrow “>” then go to the directory with “IcyPopX 6115 Public Hack.dll” and open it.
Step 2, Above the words, Automatic and Manual Injection there’s a box, type “Audition.exe” without the quotes. If Audition.exe is already written there then you do not have to do anything.
Step 3, Start Audition and enjoy hacking!
Please use Perfect Hack only in battle parties to avoid being BANNED.
This hack consist of the following.
F3 – Normal BP Reset
F4 – Union BP Reset
F5 – BeatUp Bp Reset
F6 – Couple BP Reset
F7 – BRBP Reset
F9 – Perfect ON
F10 – Perfect OFF(Visit blog).
If you wish to find more hacks or private hacks,
you may wanna check out the blog link given when you inject the hack or simply,
click on the link provided at the end of this thread.
Credits to
You can contact me via MSN,
Due to popular demands on a guide of how to reset NPC properly,
I’ve wrote this out to help out.
Also i’ve added a “FAQ” at the end of this thread to help anyone facing different problems.
Step by step on how to reset the NPCs.
Normal Battle Party.
1. Create a normal room.
2. Close the slot that the NPC will be standing on. (If you have no idea which slot to close, create a normal BP room and see where the NPC is standing.)
3. Change the level of chance to which you want.
4. Change the song to Random ~100(Recommended), 100~120, 120~140 or 140~(Don’t try this.)
5. Make sure those people that wish to get reseted are in the room of yours.
6. Press F3.
7. Click on the word “Single or Team” whichever you wish to play.
8. Done.
Union Battle Party.
1. Create a normal room.
2. Close the slot that the NPC will be standing on. (If you have no idea which slot to close, create a Union BP room and see where the NPC is standing.)
3. Change the level of chance to which you want.
4. Change the song to Random ~100(Recommended), 100~120, 120~140 or 140~(Don’t try this.)
5. Change the mode from “Single” to “Team”
6. Make sure those people that wish to get reseted are in the room of yours and are changed to blue team.
7. Press F4.
8. Select your mode that you wish to play.
9. Done.
BeatUp Battle Party.
1. Create a BEATUP room.
2. Close the slot that the NPC will be standing on. (If you have no idea which slot to close, create a BeatUp BP room and see where the NPC is standing.)
3. Make sure those people that wish to get reseted are in the room of yours.
4. Press F5.
5. Select your mode, either BeatUp 4Direction or 6Direction.
6. Done.
Couple Battle Party.
1. Create a normal room.
2. Close the slot that the NPC will be standing on. (If you have no idea which slot to close, create a Couple BP room and see where the NPC is standing.)
3. Change the level of chance to which you want.
4. Change the song to Random ~100(Recommended), 100~120, 120~140 or 140~(Don’t try this.)
5. Pass the DJ to your couple and press on F6 while you’re in watch.
6. Join the game back and ask your couple to pass DJ back to you.
7. Select your mode (Optional).
8. Done.
BeatRush Battle Party
1. Create a Beat Rush room.
2. Close the slot that the NPC will be standing on. (If you have no idea which slot to close, create a BeatRush BP room and see where the NPC is standing.)
3. Change the song to Random ~100(Recommended), 100~120, 120~140 or 140~(Don’t try this.)
4. Make sure those people that wish to get reseted are in the room of yours.
5. Press F7
6. Select your mode.
7. Done.
Please be notified that after playing 1 round of any Battle Parties more choices of NPC will then appear.
Any question from forumers will be updated here with an answer.
Question : Why after downloading the file, it says it is a file and i can’t open it up?
Answer : Because you don’t have WinRAR, download it from WinRAR Click Here after downloading, install and unrar the file.
Question : Why the hack doesn’t seems to work? I’ve tried pressing F3, F4, F5, F7, F9.
Answer :
Solution 1.
Did you get a msgbox when you injector the hack? If no, run the injector as admin.
Solution 2.
Double check if you’ve entered, “Audition.exe” make sure that it’s caps A and not “audition.exe” neither is it “auditionsea.exe”
Solution 3.
Make sure after clicking the “>” arrow, it’s “IcyPopX 6114 Public Hack.dll”.
Question : For AVG AV users getting this error. “Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.”
Answer : Uninstall AVG immediately. (Credits to ToB)

Download Link:

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