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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mahendra Singh Dhoni turns 30 today World Cup wininng Shots

Mahendra Singh Dhoni turns 30 today World Cup wininng Shots
beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals

Today Mahendra Singh Dhoni turns 30. He born in July 7, 1981 in Ranchi, Jharkhand in a Rajput Family. He likes bikes.

A Hummer to add to the four cars and 23 high-speed motorcycles already parked in his garage in Ranchi. Dhoni is a fan of Adam Gilchrist, and his childhood idols were cricket teammate Sachin Tendulkar, Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan and singer Lata Mangeshkar. Click here for Doni Biography

MiD DAY published some wishes from famous personality:- Dhoni is one guy, who grasps things very quickly and has really transformed his game. Youngsters can learn a lot from him. And I think he has handled the captaincy really well.” Yuvraj Singh

He is the best captain I have played under. He is very sharp and always alert. He reads the situation well and is open to sharing ideas. He always has discussions with bowlers, batsmen and senior players separately. Sachin Tendulkar He stays calm.

Situational awareness has been his biggest strength. He reads the situation well, is open to ideas, and above all, he doesn't show frustration.

錦糸町 天安門 錦糸町, 天安門, 江沢民, 江沢民 入院, 江沢民 死去

beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals


★「怒羅権」メンバー逮捕へ 警視庁 傷害容疑 男性に因縁、耳切断

路上でトラブルになった男性の耳をそぎ落として重傷を負わせたなどとして、警視庁 組織犯罪対策2課が傷害などの疑いで、中国残留孤児の2世らを中心としたグループ 「怒羅権(ドラゴン)」のメンバーの男の逮捕状をとったことが5日、捜査関係者への 取材で分かった。近く逮捕する方針。







★「怒羅権」メンバー逮捕へ 警視庁 傷害容疑 男性に因縁、耳切断

路上でトラブルになった男性の耳をそぎ落として重傷を負わせたなどとして、警視庁 組織犯罪対策2課が傷害などの疑いで、中国残留孤児の2世らを中心としたグループ 「怒羅権(ドラゴン)」のメンバーの男の逮捕状をとったことが5日、捜査関係者への 取材で分かった。近く逮捕する方針。









さて、今回提案するのはこの残留孤児に関して。日本人の血を受け継ぐ人を受け入れたわけですが、実際にその辺りの調査は厳密に行なわれたのでしょうか? 現在何万人いるか分かりませんが、全員に対してDNA検査を実施すべきではないか。そして日本人に成りすまして入国したシナ・中国人は強制送還するか、一時的に収容施設に入れることを提案します。


中国人大量生活保護申請 「残留孤児関係者のほぼ九割が偽物」と元警視庁通訳捜査官






▼つまり、今回のケースは、氷山の一角かもしれない。折しもきのうから、中国人の個人観光ビザが 大幅に緩和された。ショッピングや日本見物を楽しみにしている人たちには、「椀飯振る舞い」 したい気持ちは十分あるのだが。



DNA検査で日本人の血が入っていなかった場合は、シナに強制送還すべきです。そうしないとこのような凶悪な集団が日本社会にドンドン蔓延して、最後には手がつけられないようになってしまうのでないかと危惧する次第です。....READ MORE

木村雅昭 経済産業省 資源エネルギー庁 次長

木村雅昭 経済産業省 資源エネルギー庁 次長 JAPAN
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大臣・次官・審議官の幹部名簿 組織名 氏名
大臣 海江田 万里
(かいえだ ばんり)
副大臣 池田 元久
(いけだ もとひさ)
副大臣 松下 忠洋
(まつした ただひろ)
大臣政務官 中山 義活
(なかやま よしかつ)
大臣政務官 田嶋 要
(たじま かなめ)
経済産業事務次官 松永 和夫
(まつなが かずお)
経済産業審議官 岡田 秀一
(おかだ ひでいち)
秘書官(政務) 菊池 幸彦
(きくち ゆきひ

大臣官房の幹部名簿 組織名 氏名
官房長 上田 隆※之
総括審議官 北川 慎介 
政策評価審議官 宮本 聡
技術総括審議官 西本 淳哉
審議官(政策総合調整担当) 宮川 正
参事官(技術・高度人材戦略担当) 谷 明人
秘書課長 高橋 泰三
人事審査官 梁嶋 利道
人事企画官 田中 一成
総務課長 柳瀬 唯夫
国会業務室長 龍崎 孝嗣
(併)グローバル経済室長 宗像 直子
会計課長 赤石 浩一
政策評価広報課長 米村 猛
広報室長 成田 達治
情報公開推進室長 (併)牧内 勝哉
情報システム厚生課長 牧内 勝哉
情報システム室長 野口 雅史
情報システムリスク研究官 堀田 博幸
個人情報保護室長 (併)牧内 勝哉
厚生企画室長 小伊藤 治

経済産業政策局の幹部名簿 組織名 氏名
経済産業政策局長 安達 健祐
大臣官房審議官(経済産業政策局担当) 新原 浩朗
大臣官房審議官(経済社会政策担当) 井内 摂男
寺澤 達也
調査課長 野原 諭
企業財務室長 相原 茂
産業構造課長 片岡 宏一郎
経済社会政策室長 (併)片岡 宏一郎
産業組織課長 奈須野 太
企業法制研究官 小滝 一彦
競争環境整備室長 夏目 健夫
知的財産政策室長 中原 裕彦
国際知的財産制度研究官 松下 達也
産業再生課長 高田 修三
(併)新需要開拓・雇用創出担当 土本 一郎
保坂 伸
企業会計室長 平塚 敦之
(併)産業人材政策担当参事官室室長 高橋 直人

きょーこ先生の空想保健室 Eテレ初登場で“保健室の先生”に 新番組「きょーこ先生の空想保健室」

beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals



深田さんふんする「きょーこ先生」は、「全国のティーンのみなさん、きょーこ先生の空想保健室の扉はいつでもどこでも開いています! 先生もワクワクよ! みんな、待ってまーす!」とコメントしている。

放送は7月11~14日の午後6時55分~同7時24分。(毎日新聞デジタル)...READ MORE

舅-陈某指认非法储存的电雷管。图片由广西宜州市公安局提供 Japan hot trends

舅-陈某指认非法储存的电雷管。图片由广西宜州市公安局提供 Japan hot trends
beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals

宜州7月6日讯(通讯员 吴镇全 覃夏)7月5日,宜州警方查获一起非法储存爆炸物案件,一男子因非法储存雷管炸药,在与妻子吵架时竟以此威胁对方,妻子害怕出事报警,警方遂将男子抓获并追缴获电雷管35发、炸药42筒,及时消除安全隐患。

接报后,该所领导高度重视,教导员覃怀诚立即带领民警前往查处,并迅速在宜州市区龙江街该女子 家里找到其丈夫陈某,当场在其家卫生间的水泥砖孔内搜到用编织袋包装的电雷管35发,民警随即将陈某带到派出所审查。同时,另一组民警在女子韦某的指引 下,连夜赶往其丈夫陈某藏匿炸药的地点缴获炸药42筒(重8.4公斤)。
据陈某交代,自己从事生猪屠宰销售生意。雷管和炸药是其在城区务工的内舅毛某于2010年底拿 来叫其帮保管的。陈某先是将该炸药藏在家里,后觉得不安全便拿到离家约800米一荒果园坡岭上的旧守果房内一废弃鸡笼里存放。近期来,陈某因怀疑妻子有外 遇,所以两人吵架时,陈曾口头威胁妻子“炸死你去!”。当晚,两人再次争吵时,害怕出事的妻子韦某便偷偷来到派出所报警。
当日凌晨,民警在市区会东街一出租房内将陈某的内舅毛某抓获。经民警讯问,毛某对自己于 2010年9月至12月间,在宜州市区某建筑工地施工时,为了今后回老家北牙乡挖水井所需,其利用施工便利,通过虚报和偷工减料,非法克扣并私藏炸药42 筒、电雷管35发,后拿给外甥女婿陈某保管的犯罪事实供认不讳。
编辑:利雪娟  作者:吴镇全 覃夏  【打印】 .

CEO MediaCorp appoiCnts Shaun Seow as new CEO

CEO MediaCorp appoiCnts Shaun Seow as new CEO
beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals

Mediacorp on Wednesday promoted deputy chief executive Shaun Seow (above) to the top job, bringing to an end a six-month search for a replacement for outgoing chief executive office (CEO) Lucas Chow, who resigned in January. -- PHOTO: SHAUN SEOW

MEDIACORP on Wednesday promoted deputy chief executive Shaun Seow to the top job, bringing to an end a six-month search for a replacement for outgoing chief executive office (CEO) Lucas Chow, who resigned in January.

Mr Seow, a newspaper journalist at Singapore Press Holdings and Japan's Nihon Kezai Shimbun, before he switched over to a broadcasting career at Television Corporation of Singapore, will start in his new role with immediate effect.

'The time for renewal of leadership is most appropriate as the company prepares itself for the move to a new campus at Mediapolis over the next few years,' MediaCorp Chairman Teo Ming Kian said in a press statement.

Observers say that under Mr Seow, MediaCorp will probably make a greater push to embrace new technology platforms in its TV business, such as 'over-the-top' television, a technology for distributing interactive content over a broadband network.

An Eisenhower Fellow on US media studies, Mr Seow read Economics at Cambridge University in Britain on a President's Scholarship.

'Innovating to stay relevant will be crucial,' the MediaCorp statement quoted Mr Seow as saying. 'One of my priorities is seeking a deeper understanding of our audience's needs; while what we broadcast, publish or produce may not be everyone's idea of what is entertaining or informative, we will definitely aim to grow our audiences and create value.'

Fun pack song – seriously Singapore-Haresh Sharma lyrics

Fun pack song – seriously Singapore-Haresh Sharma lyrics
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Your kid's are bound to love the fun pack song - but not us parents! Argh - Seriously Singapore - is this really the best we could come up with?

Your kid’s are bound to love the fun pack song – but not us parents! Argh – Seriously Singapore – is this really the best we could come up with? Besides the absolutely horrific cheesy lyrics about a fun pack (like geez), the Straits Times reports that the song may have flouted copyright rules!


Oh o o o o o o o o
Time for the fun pack song
Oh o o o o o o o o
We like the fun pack song
Let’s start with the bag
That’s right, grab your bag
It’s the fun pack bag
Attack the fun pack


Hold up your flag, don’t you forget
You can wave it if you feel like it
Let’s wave the flag
Wave wave wave
Let’s wave the flag
Take out your light stick, it’s two of a kind
It’s interactive, means you can join
Just pretend
Oh oh oh… It’s a disco


You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I want a wet, wet tissue
I want Newater and I want a cold drink
You and me, let’s share a bit
I want a biscuit and I want a sweet
You and me, let’s share this treat

Kopi-O o o o o o o o o
Time for the fun pack song
Kopi-O o o o o o o o o

We like the fun pack song
Let’s start with the bag
That’s right, grab your bag
It’s the fun pack bag
Attack the fun pack

I want Newater and I want a cold drink
You and me, let’s share a bit
I want a biscuit and I want a sweet
You and me, let’s share this treat

Kopi-O o o o o o o o o
Time for the fun pack song
Kopi-O o o o o o o o o

We like the fun pack song
Let’s start with the bag
That’s right, grab your bag
It’s the fun pack bag
Attack the fun pack!

jiang zemin passed away 江泽民, jiang zemin, 江泽民去世, jiang zemin death, jiang zemin died, Rumour China's

jiang zemin passed away 江泽民, jiang zemin, 江泽民去世, jiang zemin death, jiang zemin died, Rumour China's
beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals

He’s the hardcore communist…by knowing chinese a bit i doubt that if true,they will release this news to the world now. If they do ,should that be good for USD ? i would say so

Jiang Zemin came to power following Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, replacing Zhao Ziyang as CPC General Secretary.

As one old man passes, let us not forget all those young lives lost under the tank tracks in 1989.

Rumors that former Chinese President Jiang Zemin has died have spread throughout China.

The Chinese Internet media site Boxun quoted a source as saying Wednesday morning, “Former leader Jiang died at midnight at Beijing 301 Hospital.”

Boxun, however, changed the headline to “Jiang Zemin in critical condition due to liver cancer,” adding he remains alive and that his brain functions well though his heart has failed. The name of the hospital was also changed to Huadong Hospital in Shanghai.

The site again revised the news article on Jiang around 3 p.m., saying, “We reported that Jiang was in critical condition or died based on several sources, but a figure in Beijing called us at noon to inform us that his condition has improved.”

No unusual movement was detected at Huadong Hospital.

Buxun’s report on the alleged death of Jiang spread like wildfire across China and Taiwan through Taiwan’s Liberty Times and the Chinese social networking site Weibo.

Chinese Blogger Publishing Prostitution Blog, One Year in Prison Sentenced

Chinese Blogger Publishing Prostitution Blog, One Year in Prison Sentenced
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Chinese blogger named Lin Chenglong has been sentenced to one year in prison for publishing photos of “barber shops” and blogging about his experiences there, on his blog ‘Foshan Dapao’ (or literally Foshan Big Cannon).

In China, brothels are often disguised as hair salons or barber shops. Blogger Lin Chenglong published all that happened in these brothels, on his blog. Chinese Officials believe that, he has promoted prostitution through web, which is considered illegal.

Blogger Lin Chenglong was only 17 when an older friend took him to a barber shop in Foshan, Guangdong for the first time, but the services they went for were far from just haircuts. In fact, It is a common understanding in China that barber shops, especially the shady kinds with women lounging around inside, often turn out to be brothels. Lin became heavily addicted to the services that such “barber shops” provided.

In March 2009, Lin had decided that he was going to start a personal online blog to share the after thoughts of his conquests. When Lin was arrested for spreading pornographic content, in November 2010, he had attracted a readership of roughly 60,000, and had uploaded 171 photos from his phone camera and 48 posts detailing his experiences. Lin later revealed that between years 2005 to 2010, and at only 21 years of age, he had already visited the “barber shops” more than 300 times.

When asked why he had decided to start such a blog, Lin expressed his deepest regret and said he had only wanted to spend time on his two favorite hobbies: keeping a blog and going to “barber shops.” The man had mistakenly thought that putting the two hobbies together was a brilliant idea. Lin told reporters that he did not expect to attract such a large audience for his updates, and had only wanted to keep the blog for his own personal fulfillment.

According to Baidu, “His blog is currently ranked number one on Baidu’s popular figures search list”.

News Source: Baidu Image via: Flickr

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Argentina Vs Colombia, Copa America 2011, highlights Video Lives Update

Argentina Vs Colombia, Copa America 2011, highlights Video Lives Update
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3 News brings you VIDEO LIVE UPDATES of the Copa America clash between Argentina and Colombia. Argentina haven’t won the title since 1993, and being at home, the pressure will be intense. For Colombia, there’s hope of a major upset. But what factor will Lionel Messi have? As always, probably plenty from the star player.

LIVE COMMENTARY… FINAL SCORE Argentina 0 Vs Columbia 0

That's the ball game folks, Argentina getting another draw. Thanks for coming.

90 mins: Colombia have a late chance to steal the match but it's a let down from all angles. Video up soon.

82 mins: Argentina are getting more than desperate to get a winner... with shots like Messi's a few minutes ago they have no chance.

78 mins: Free kick to Argentina just on the edge of the area at the corner. Wonder who will size this one up? Yep, you guessed it, Messi. He has a left foot trained and WHAT A SHOCKER!

75 mins: A couple of corners to Argentina but poor delivery from the magical feet of Messi. Game has become a little stale needs a goal... and it nearly comes as Martinez pushes away a Higuan effort. Video up.

65 mins: Tick, tick, tick goes the clock and pressure, pressure and pressure is building on the Argentine backs. Of course, the pressure must also be building on their front men cause they are in serious need of getting a goal or two... or even on target!

62 mins: What a break by Colombia as they sweep nearly the length of the pitch before Pablo Armero fires it inches past Romero's post. Video up.

59 mins: Couple of substitutions for Argentina as they get desperate for a goal. Tevez does well and makes a nuisance of himself in the box but the shot is blocked.

50 mins: Colombia again looking the more dangerous of the two sides. Things a getting a little tetchy out their and we are seeing two-footed tackled and anger building in players from both sides. Back to the football, and Mascherano ha dig from about 355 yards and Martinez can do nothing bot somehow fend it away. Argentina also hits the post from a Messi header but it wouldn't have counted. Video up.

48 mins: Messi has returned for the second half though he seems to be running a little gingerly on that ankle.

HALFTIME 0-0... see you after the break. Slight ankle injury to Messi. Will he come back out after halftime?

44 mins: It's been a great game - entertainment aplenty - and you'd definitely give the advantage to Colombia.

42 mins: Romero fends off a great effort by Colombia. What a strike by Falcoa as it dipped and diced in the air. Video up soon.

41 mins: There's the beautiful game in action as it's tapped back and forth between the Colombian strikers and straight through the heart of the Argentine defence. A volley was on the cards at the end of the movement but Ramos takes a touch instead.

38 mins: The longer this one goes on the more confidence Colombia will gain. Argentina's coach is right though - his team is no Barcelona.

34 mins: Martinez stands up to the one-on-one as Argentina splits the Colombian defence wide open. Martinez spreads well, getting a foot to the shot and the chance for the home side to go 1-0 up is lost. Video up.

30 mins: Argentina breaks out and Tevez beats the offiside trap but the through ball is too strong and keeper Martinez handles.

26 mins: Penalty to Colombia!!! No, no penalty!!!!!! Geez, what went on their as Ramos tried to round the keeper and was brought down by the cover defence and the open goal was then missed by Dayro Moreno as the ref called play on. Video up.

25 mins: The home side is trying to settle things down again after that chance at their own end. Pass... pass, pass, look up, pass, pass... foot in, pass... Colombia steal the ball and break and Moreno has a crack for an acuteangle. Hmmm... great effort but very, very ambitious.

21 mins: Colombia should be 1-0 up but it's put over the bar by Moreno. WHAT A CHANCE! On target and Romero wouldn't have had a chance in between the Argentine sticks. Video up.

18 min: Columbia have a long range free kick and it's in row z... well, it is now.

15 mins: you get the feeling that a goal could come at any time. Another dangerous cross from the Argentinian side. Video up

12 mins: First real shot on goal by Argentina, Banega letting one rip from distance.. Video up.

8 mins: Ohh Argentina looking dangerous and create all sort of problems for the Colombian defence. Video up.

4 mins: Colombia make their first surge into the Argentine box and win a corner. It's a poor one though and from the melee a Colombian player is chopped and Colombia win a free kick which is likely to be swung in. Another poor effort. Video up of Argentina's first attack.

2 mins: Colombia is yet to touch the ball. Argentina passes it around the back and then trying the exploit the edges - very patient from the home nation.

1 min: 47,000 football fans watch the ball being rolled off by Argentina. We're off! We'll get some of the great video highlights up - which I'm sure are on their way - as soon as they occur.

The national anthems are being sung and we are nearing kick-off. Can Argentina bounce back from what was certainly a shock draw against Bolivia? Messi looks like he has his game face on.

Kick off is not far away in the meantime watch action from the Argentina Vs Bolivia match.

Argentina, Lionel Messi and Carlos Tevez have a second chance at the Copa America, and anything less than a victory against Colombia will turn up the heat on coach Sergio Batista and his two star players.

Batista is expected to attack again today through Messi and Tevez, with support from Ezequiel Lavezzi and Ever Banega. The problem is: Messi and Tevez have seldom played well together and notably didn't in the opening 1-1 draw with Bolivia.

Batista can't bench Messi. Tevez, the most popular player in Argentina, is also untouchable. That puts Batista under non-stop scrutiny, with Argentina hosting the Copa America and expected to win the tournament for its first major title in 18 years.

Primary One registration 2012 For Admission to Primary .

Primary One registration 2012 For Admission to Primary .
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Registration phases for Primary One classes in 2012 starts June 29.

All primary schools are open for registration from 8am to 11am and 2:30pm to 4:30pm from Mondays to Fridays during registration period.

Details on the list of primary schools and vacancies are available on the Ministry of Education’s website.

There will be one new school - Frontier Primary School, located at 20 Jurong West Street 61, S(648200). Registration for this new school is at West Grove Primary School, 1 Jurong West Street 72, S(649223).

Four primary schools will be relocated in 2012.

Henry Park Primary School
Rosyth School
Sembawang Primary School
St. Joseph’s Institution Junior

The Education Ministry said the cohort size for 2012 is similar to that for 2011. There will be sufficient school places for all eligible Primary One students on a regional and nationwide basis.

The Ministry will also introduced a new Primary One Internet System (P1-IS) as a pilot in eight Primary Schools. The P1-IS is an alternate channel for parents to register their children for Primary One. However, this is applicable for Phase 2C and Phase 2C Supplementary only.

The eight pilot primary schools are listed below. For parents who do not wish to do an online registration, they can continue to go to their school of choice for registration as in previous years.

Anchor Green Primary School
Beacon Primary School
Canberra Primary School
Edgefield Primary School
Endeavour Primary School
Mee Toh School
Nan Chiau Primary School
North Vista Primary School

最美丽动人的20大明星千金,“星二代”谁最靓 Chinas 2011

最美丽动人的20大明星千金,“星二代”谁最靓 Chinas 2011
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Hyuna’s music video, ‘Bubble Pop!’Behind The scene stills

Hyuna’s music video, ‘Bubble Pop!’Behind The scene stills
beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals

The behind the scene cuts of the music video resembled that of a professional movie with beautiful backgrounds, and HyunA with her mature charm.

Arriving into summer with provocative steps, Hyuna is attracting much attention with her song, ‘Bubble Pop!’, enough to evoke memories of Lee Hyori’s 2003 solo debut.

Acting as a couple with MBLAQ’s Lee Joon in the music video, it is known that Lee Joon and Hyuna are also good friends in real life. But because they are friends, it was awkward for them to act as a couple, causing a lot of NGs. Fans can view Hyuna’s sexy figure through these behind the scene stills as she shows off her hot fashion.

After much success for 4Minute member Hyuna’s new music video for her solo comeback, ‘Bubble Pop!‘, behind the scene stills of the music video filming were released.

India Google Highlights Archana’s Kitchen in Chrome Campaign 2011

India Google Highlights Archana’s Kitchen in Chrome Campaign 2011
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Google India has launched a commercial titled ‘Archana’s Kitchen’ as part of Google’s global ‘The Web is What You Make of It’ campaign. This part of the campaign highlights common users in India and around the world who are passionate to leverage the power of the web to do amazing things in their lives.

The campaign showcases the emotional and personal connection that all we have with the changing web today. Through a series of short videos (you can catch part one and two below), Google is sharing how the web and its products have changed the lives of millions of people and helped them achieve their dreams. It includes a variety of stories from celebrities to everyday consumer to small businessmen.

‘Archana’s Kitchen’ tells the story of Archana who paired the Internet with her cooking passion through Blooking (Blog + Cooking), which helped her develop a community of loyal following around her site. Her blog has now become a catering service and also helped her land a book deal. Archana also runs an active Facebook page with over 4,000 likes so far.

孙中山 两岸青年在上海参观孙中山宋庆龄故居(图) 2011

孙中山 两岸青年在上海参观孙中山宋庆龄故居(图) 2011
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在孙中山故居,来自台湾交通大学的林宗翰发现,孙中山在广州任大元帅时的办公照片就是手中百元新台币上的肖像原型,他既惊奇又兴奋:“真有这张照片啊?!”;而在宋庆龄故居,参观完毕后,台湾同学更多议论的是,在孙中山妻子和助手的角色之外,“宋庆龄还有着独立伟大的人格、志趣和事业”,“她的勇气与取得的成就同样令人敬佩”。(记者 杨丽)...READ MORE

foshandapao, lin chenglong blog Chinese Red-Light Blogger Caught Red-Handed

foshandapao, lin chenglong blog Chinese Red-Light Blogger Caught Red-Handed
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Blogging is a common way to share things online. But unfortunately for him, Lin Chenglong is one blogger who shared a little too much. Instead of blogging about travel experiences, food, or technology, Lin Chenglong prefers to blog about his experience at “barber shops,” – the shady ones, if you know what I mean.

In China, small-scale brothels are often disguised as barber shops. Lin started visiting these barber shops at age 17 and eventually got addicted. In March 2009, he started a personal blog to share his experiences at these barber shops. By November 2010, Lin’s blog, which is filled with photos and written content about his adventures, has attracted over 60,000 monthly visits. At age 21, Lin has already visited the barber shops for over 300 times.

Ironically, his sudden burst of fame also also caused his demise. Lin’s content also caught the attention of the authorities and he was subsequently sentenced to a year of imprisonment. As he faced his punishment, Lin explained that he wanted to combine two of his hobbies into one – blogging and prostitution. In the end, that was probably not such a good idea. He also explained that he didn’t expect to attract such a huge audience and insisted that his blog is only for personal use.

Well if that is really the case, make your blog private, Mr. Lin. The Internet is filled with folks looking for sexually explicit photos content and blogging freely about it will naturally attract more attention. According to Baidu, Lin’s blog Foshan Dapao (or literally Foshan Big Cannon), was ranked first place on Baidu’s popular trends search list last week.

This story is similar in some ways to one we broke last week about an official in southern China who had been using Sina Weibo microblog to flirt with his mistress. Amazingly he had no idea that his messages were publicly viewable. Similarly, the result was also disastrous.

Roy Williams Cowboys sues ex-girlfriend to get engagement ring back agains

Roy Williams Cowboys sues ex-girlfriend to get engagement ring back agains
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Dallas Cowboys' WR Roy Williams failed to put a ring on it — now he wants that ring back. (Eric Gay - AP) Dallas Cowboys’ wide receiver Roy Williams has 99 problems, and the ongoing NFL lockout is just one of them.

The Odessa American reported that Williams is suing his former girlfriend Brooke Daniels in an attempt to get back a $75,000 engagement ring which he sent to her in February. Williams apparently sent Daniels the ring, some money for dental bills and a taped wedding proposal by mail (yes, by mail!) in an attempt to woo the former 2009 Miss Texas.

When his romantic overture failed to bear fruit (how could she resist?) Williams requested the ring back. After Daniels claimed the ring had been lost, it turned out her father had it in his possession.

Michael Daniels disputed Williams’ account:

"He said (to Brooke Daniels), 'I'm not like a lot of people, I don't want the ring back. You'll eventually come back to me,' and she didn't."

Michael Daniels, told the newspaper that he planned on returning the ring to avoid any legal hassles.

“I want to wash my hands of it. It’s just a hassle. I’ll take care of my daughter. I don’t need him.”

In a summer when fellow Cowboys Tony Romo and Martellus Bennett tied the knot, it seems Williams dropped the ball in his attempt to join in on the rash of nuptials.

Bill O'Reilly vs. Geraldo on Casey Anthony's Murder Acquittal and Democrats Hate Palin 2011

Bill O'Reilly vs. Geraldo on Casey Anthony's Murder Acquittal and Democrats Hate Palin 2011
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The Casey Anthony verdict has caused plenty of consternation among the media. One such person annoyed, angry, and flummoxed is Fox News host Bill O’Reilly. On Tuesday, he hosted media critic Bernard Goldberg to discuss it. And when O’Reilly brought up his just-concluded interview with Geraldo Rivera — in which Geraldo defended Anthony as a “good mother” — Goldberg went off.

“I wonder if Geraldo and others who think like Geraldo would be so open minded if let’s say a militia man in Arizona was accused of killing a Hispanic immigrant, and the evidence was similar to this case — a mountain of circumstantial evidence,” he said. “You think Geraldo Rivera would go on the air and talk to you the way he did?”

Understanding that the question was loaded, and there’s really no non-controversial way to answer it, O’Reilly responded, “I really can’t answer that.”

Goldberg did: “I don’t think he would speculate that maybe this person did it, maybe she’s crazy, maybe this, maybe that. This is ridiculous.”

This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," July 5, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

Watch "The O'Reilly Factor" weeknights at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET!

BILL O'REILLY, FOX NEWS HOST: Fox News anchor Geraldo Rivera scored a huge interview with Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez.


JOSE BAEZ, CASEY ANTHONY'S DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You're saying I didn't expect this. We're not saying that at all. We always felt very strongly about our case and we always felt that - - that this case was built on -- it was built on nothing. And the jury saw through all of the fantasy and forensics and they saw through a lot of the lies that were presented before that.


O'REILLY: "The fantasy of forensics."

Ok, joining us now from Orlando, Geraldo who obviously is way out in front in this case. Are you as angry as I am tonight? We've known each other a long time; we've covered a lot of this kind of stuff. I'm so angry about this verdict. Are you?

GERALDO RIVERA, HOST OF "GERALDO AT LARGE": I -- I can see that and - - and I see the seething and I think that you accurately Bill, reflect the sentiment certainly of my wife. I heard from Erica and she said that she was with other mothers at the -- at the summer camp and they were all feeling a sense of disgust. And I totally understand that.

But you have to understand that I see this in two ways. I see it as a citizen and as a father. Three of my five children are girls as you know. I relate to this poor victim, this child. I -- I'm absolutely scornful and -- and feel a great sense of disdain for the accused, the former accused, Casey Anthony. I think she clearly lied and did a lot of things here that were absolutely reprehensible.

But there's a couple of things that people forget and that where I think people have to understand now and be honest with themselves and figure a couple of things out. Number one, there was not one bit of evidence that this mother ever in any way neglected or abused this child.

O'REILLY: Let me -- let me stop you there. Let me stop you there.

O'REILLY: Ok, let me stop you. How can you stand there and say that in front of millions of people all over the world when a two-year-old goes missing and the mother doesn't even call 911? You're telling me the mother never neglected the child and she is missing and doesn't call 911? That's neglect, Geraldo.

RIVERA: You are confusing two issues. One is what happened leading up to that awful moment when this child died by all accounts --

O'REILLY: You said -- no wait a minute Geraldo -- you said there was no evidence.

GERALDO: Then it is --

O'REILLY: Wait, wait, wait. You said Casey Anthony, there was no evidence she ever neglected her child and I'm telling you that's bull. She neglected her child by failing to report the child's disappearance.

RIVERA: That's from June 16th on. That's post-mortem that's after the child is dead. Whether --

O'REILLY: You don't know that.
RIVERA: -- she was abused --

O'REILLY: You don't know when -- look, the mother has the two-year- old in the house. The two-year-old is gone. The mother says nothing and lies about it. Come on that's neglect.

RIVERA: What if this? What if it's the baby's daddy that you don't know who he is and where he's from --


O'REILLY: All right, stop with the "what ifs", Geraldo. Let's just go with the record.

RIVERA: What if he did something, how -- the record suggests, that's exactly what I'm trying to say here Bill, the record is conclusive. This was a good mother. You see the videos.


O'REILLY: Oh, bull! This is so much bull I can't stand it! A good mother? How does a good mother go to a wet body contest when her baby is missing? How does that happen? A good mother? Come on.


RIVERA: Because maybe her brain is so distorted by years of abuse she can't think straight.
O'REILLY: Oh stop it! Stop it!
RIVERA: Maybe she is mentally ill.
O'REILLY: Maybe? Maybe?
RIVERA: Maybe she's psychotic, who knowS? but that is not the crime of murder.

Pia Toscano 'American Idol' Star Seals Record Deal

Pia Toscano 'American Idol' Star Seals Record Deal
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"I am thrilled to be joining the Interscope and 19 Recordings family," Toscano said in a statement. "[Interscope Geffen A&M Chairman] Jimmy Iovine was an amazing mentor during my time on 'Idol' and I'm looking forward to working with him and everyone at Interscope Records and 19 Recordings. This is a dream come true."

The singer was widely regarded as a frontrunner on "Idol," and her ninth place finish outraged several Hollywood celebrities, including Tom Hanks, Jennifer Hudson and Alyssa Milano. When she was voted off, Ashton Kutcher told Ryan Seacrest on his morning radio show, "I think she was probably the best pure singer on the show, and she's got all the makings of what it means to be a star."

Toscano will release her debut single, "This Time," on July 12 and perform the song as part of her set during this summer's "American Idol Live!" tour. Her as yet untitled debut album will be released later this year.

The "Idol" summer tour kicks off July 6 in Salt Lake City and runs through September 10, when the Top 11 take their final bow in Rochester, New York.

Singer Pia Toscano, whose "American Idol" elimination was one of this past season's biggest shockers, has officially signed a recording contract with Interscope Records, says the Hollywood Reporter.

celebrity cruises, royal caribbean, norwegian cruise line Celebrity Silhouette completes tight squeeze

celebrity cruises, royal caribbean, norwegian cruise line Celebrity Silhouette completes tight squeeze
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Celebrity Cruises' new ship Celebrity Silhouette begins its 42 KM transit backwards down the river Ems, navigating several narrow gaps with less than 0.75M clearance each side. The transit to the sea takes 12 hours. The ship will be officially launched at its naming ceremony in Hamburg on July 21. /

The shiny new Celebrity Silhouette will welcome passengers for the first time later this month in Germany but that’s the easy part for one of the world’s premium cruise lines.

Silhouette departed the Meyer Werft shipyard in Papenburg, Germany for open seas this week but not before completing a 26-mile navigation of the River Ems where she had less than five feet of room to maneuver at certain points.

Adding to the drama as the multi-million-dollar vessel inched its way along the river: Captain Dimitrios Kafetzis guided the ship in reverse.

Preparations for the journey – termed a ‘Conveyance’– included the removal of power lines and railway tracks that normally pass over the river to allow the ship to traverse through. The journey was also precisely timed to take place at high tide to ensure ample depth beneath the hull and when weather conditions were calm enough to avert the possibility of wind causing the ship to run aground.

The route along the River Ems included various locks and other tight squeezes, even traveling on an aqueduct over an autobahn. The vessel cruised at less than four miles per hour.

After finishing work is completed in Emshaven, the Netherlands, the 2,886-passenger Silhouette will sail to Hamburg where it will be named during formal ceremonies on July 21.

The vessel is the fourth of five stylish Solstice-Class ships from Celebrity – Solstice, Equinox, Eclipse preceded her - and she boasts a number of exclusive new features, including the Lawn Club Grill, the industry's first outdoor, interactive grill; The Hideaway, a high-tech location reminiscent of a childhood tree house for guests to relax inside; The Alcoves, luxurious, private cabanas overlooking the ship’s lawn on the top deck amidst spectacular views of the sea; and the Art Studio, a space where experienced and aspiring artists can participate in hands-on instruction from experts in drawing, beading, sculpting and painting.

The ship will also feature top-tier designer boutiques, exclusive restaurants and the hip Celebrity iLounge, offering guests classes on the use of iPads and iPhones, among other products, which also are available for sale onboard.

When the christening ceremonies are completed, Silhouette will sail from Hamburg to Rome where she will offer 12-night roundtrip cruises to the Holy Land through the summer. Look for 12-night Caribbean cruises roundtrip from Cape Liberty, NJ, beginning in November.

One of the world’s top premium cruise lines, Celebrity sails to Alaska, Australia/New Zealand, Bermuda, California, Canada/New England, the Caribbean, Europe, Hawaii, the Pacific Coast, Panama Canal, South America, and year-round in the Galapagos Islands. The line also offers immersive cruisetour experiences in Alaska, Australia/New Zealand, Canada, Europe and South America.

One of the fastest-growing major cruise lines in the world, Celebrity’s fleet consists of nine ships, with one additional Solstice-Class ship (Celebrity Reflection) scheduled to sail in the fall of 2012.

Cruise travel columnist Michael Coleman can be reached at For more ship news and reviews visit

STAR STRIKE HD, ハスラーキング, the last guy, 無限回廊 序曲, おいでよロコロコ!! buubuu cocoreccho!

STAR STRIKE HD, ハスラーキング, the last guy, 無限回廊 序曲, おいでよロコロコ!! buubuu cocoreccho!
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ณ จุดกึ่งกลางระหว่างความสมดุลและความวิบัติ ยังมีชายคนหนึ่ง ผู้ซึ่งอาจทำให้โลกประสบได้ทั้งความเป็นสิริมงคลและคงอยู่ หรือความหายนะจนต้องดับสูญ จากผลงานของทีมงานเจ้าของรางวัลมากมายอย่าง Housemarque ผู้สร้าง Star Strike HD (หรือ Super Stardust HD สำหรับฝั่งตะวันตก) ที่ได้ร่วมมือกับทาง Ubisoft ก่อให้เกิดเป็นเกมแอ็กชั่นผจญภัยชั้นยอดที่ได้รับแรงบันดาลใจมาจากซีรีส์ Prince of Persia อันโด่งดัง การผจญของผู้เล่นแต่ละคน จะนำชายผู้นี้ไปพบกับทั้งแสงสว่างและความมืดบนโลกที่เต็มไปด้วยความเปลี่ยนแปลงตลอดเวลา โดยตัวเกมได้ออกวางจำหน่ายบน PlayStation Network ประเทศไทยแล้วตั้งแต่วันนี้เป็นต้นไป
At the midpoint between the balance and collapse. Also, there was a man. Who may make the world suffer from both the prosperity and existence. The Holocaust and the death. From the team's winning a lot of Housemarque a Star Strike HD (or Super Stardust HD for the west coast) to work together with Ubisoft to cause the game is action-adventure atmosphere that has inspired. Prince of Persia series from the famous adventure of each player. The man was found with both light and dark areas on a world filled with constant change. The game was released on the PlayStation Network in Thailand from now onwards.


• A fresh take on a well-known genre: จากการร่วมงานกับ Ubisoft (ค่ายผู้ผลิตอันมีชื่อเสียงในด้านของเกมแอ็กชั่นผจญภัยยอดฮิตอย่าง Prince of Persia และ Assassin’s Creed) ทีมงาน Housemarque ได้นำเสนอรูปแบบการเล่นอันสดใหม่ซึ่งตั้งอยู่บนทางเลือกที่แตกต่างกันคนละขั้ว รูปแบบการเล่นแบบแสงสว่างปะทะความมืดมิดซึ่งได้รับแรงบันดาลใจจากเกมคลาสสิกอย่าง Ikaruga

• Test your swordplay: กระโดดและปีนป่ายเพื่อหลบหลีกกับดักต่าง ๆ ที่เกิดขึ้นจากการเปลี่ยนแปลงของสภาพแวดล้อม

• Unique signature graphics and audio: ผู้สร้าง Star Strike HD ได้สร้างประสบการณ์อันลึกซึ้งรูปแบบใหม่ในโลกลี้ลับที่ได้รับแรงบันดาลใจมาจากตำนานของชาวมายัน

• An immersive soundtrack: ดนตรีประกอบของ Outland ได้รับการประพันธ์โดย Ari Pulkkinen เจ้าของผลงานโปรเจกต์ Trine ที่ได้รับรางวัลการันตีมาแล้ว

• An award winning development team: พัฒนาโดย Housemarque (บริษัทนักพัฒนาเกมอิสระในประเทศฟินแลนด์) ทีมสร้าง Outland ได้รับการนำโดย Aki Raula ผู้เคยฝากฝีมือมาแล้วทั้งใน Max Payne, Star Strike HD และอีกมากมาย

• A fresh take on a well-known genre: from working with Ubisoft (label manufacturer, famous for the game's action-adventure hit Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed) team Housemarque have to offer. A fresh new style of play based on the different options in different terminals. The play of light vs. darkness, which was inspired by classic games like Ikaruga.
• Test your swordplay: jumping, and climbing to avoid the various traps that are caused by changes in the environment.
• Unique signature graphics and audio: the creator of Star Strike HD created a new model in the world experienced profound mystery that has been inspired by the myth of the Mayas.
• An immersive soundtrack: music of Ari Pulkkinen Outland has been written by the owner of the project Trine award-winning ago
• An award winning development team: development Housemarque (the independent game developer in Finland), a team directed by Aki Raula Outland has been made by people who deposited it in Max Payne, Star Strike HD, and more.

横浜スタジアム 座席表

横浜スタジアム 座席表- 横浜スタジアム Japan
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この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 横浜スタジアムの座席表:

モンティ・ホール問題,enoleggioauto, mapua, аллоды, ok mag, fc dnipro

モンティ・ホール問題,enoleggioauto, mapua, аллоды, ok mag, fc dnipro
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【雑学】 誰でも最初は間違える「モンティホール問題」の解説 【豆知識】


A, B, Cという扉の向こうに当りの賞品が一つだけ用意されており、プレイヤーはまず一つの扉を選ぶことができる。





ネコでもわかるモンティホールジレンマ - DOFI-BLOG どふぃぶろぐ


ゲームの初め、当りである確立はA, B, C ともに1/3ずつ。








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戦火の勇気 (Courage Under Fire)

監督 エドワード・ズウィック 主演 デンゼル・ワシントン


湾 岸戦争で仲間の戦車を誤射してしまい、部下を死なせてしまったサーリング。その罪悪感に苛まれ、家庭も上手くいかなくなり酒に溺れる彼に、作戦中に戦死し た初の女性名誉勲章候補者であるウォーデン大尉についての調査命令が下る。関係者の証言を集めるサーリングであったが、彼らの証言が微妙に食い違っている ことに気付き…。


戦場という特殊な状況下で起きた出来事の真相を、それぞれに食い違う証言の中から暴いていく様を描いた、『ラスト サムライ』のエドワード・ズウィックによる戦争ドラマ。
戦 闘の混乱の中、生き残るために取った行動により仲間を死なせてしまった主人公が、その罪悪感に押し潰されそうになりながらも一つの事件の真相を追究するこ とで、その罪と正面から向き合うようになる様を羅生門スタイルで描いた本作。見地の違いから生まれる食い違いではなく、大きな嘘を隠しているが為に生まれ る証言のずれを暴いていくミステリーとしても面白い仕上がりとなっている。女性大尉が政治的な思惑から英雄に祭り上げられると言う構図も、裏と思惑があり過ぎた湾岸戦争を背景に描いているだ けに興味深く、証言によって二転三転しながら真の姿が明らかになっていくと同時に、主人公が戦地で取った行動も浮き彫りになっていく構成が非常に上手い。 大人の対応で終結する締めに感じるほろ苦さも、ほど良い余韻を残している。生き残るためのエゴが生み出した陰惨な事件を描いている割に、主人公のみが心の 平穏を手にしちゃった感じもしなくもないが、構成の上手さがその辺をウヤムヤにしてくれている。


一方、証言によって二転三転する難しい役柄であったウォーデン大尉に扮したのは、『インナースペース』のメグ・ライアン。今では面影の無くなってしまった愛 らしい口元にハネ気味の髪の毛と、いつものメグ・ライアンを残しつつも、田舎育ちの粗野さとタフさを併せ持った役柄を熱演。ラブコメの女王として君臨して いた絶頂期である反面、そろそろその路線に飽きてき始めていた時期でもあったので、当時この役柄に大いに驚いたもので。



土手の伊勢屋 The bank Iseya Japan

土手の伊勢屋 The bank Iseya Japan
beauty,smooth,smiling,familiar,sense of art,smart,sexy,naturally,trends,hot trends,celeb,scandals

たちさんとゆく!Part2! 東京・日本堤にある「土手の伊勢屋」の「穴子天丼」を喰らう!

今日のお昼は、No Second Lifeのたちさん( @ttachi)とゆくシリーズパート2!
東京・日本堤にある、天ぷら屋さん「土手の伊勢屋」に @ttachiさんと喰らいにいきました!






さっそくお品書きを物色!今回は「穴子天丼」にしました!に @ttachiさんは、「天丼のハ」を注文ッッッ!













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emirates, etihad, oman air, etihad airways, asdf, Dubai Ruler Approves $7.8 Billion Dubai Airports Expansion
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Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum approved a $7.8 billion expansion plan for the Persian Gulf emirate’s airports as the facility seeks to become the world’s busiest airfield.
Dubai International plans to boost capacity to 75 million travelers a year by 2012 and to 90 million by 2018, from 60 million now, Paul Griffiths, chief executive officer of Dubai Airports, said today at a news conference. The airport was the third-busiest for international traffic in the first quarter, after London Heathrow and Hong Kong, according to Airports Council International

Dubai Airports operates Dubai International, which is home to Emirates, the biggest international airline, and the Al- Maktoum International Airport. Passengers handled by Dubai International surged 15.4 percent in 2010 from a year earlier to 47.2 million helped by a rebound in tourist and business traffic and Dubai’s growth as a hub for traffic between the U.S., Europe and Asia.
The cash flow from Dubai Airports and Dubai Duty Free makes paying for the expansion “very manageable,” Griffiths said. Depending on the financing plan chosen, Dubai Airports may consider becoming a standalone company, he told reporters in Dubai. The airport operator is now funded by the government.
Dubai Airports forecast that international passenger traffic will rise at an average annual rate of 7.2 percent this decade to reach 98.5 million by 2020, according to a statement distributed today. Cargo volumes are expected to gain 6.7 percent annually in the period.

New Concourses

The Dubai airport will complete building Concourse 3, meant for the use of Emirates’ Airbus A380 planes, by the end of 2012 and will build a Concourse 4 next to the existing Terminal 1 by 2015, Griffiths said.
The aviation industry in Dubai contributed $22.1 billion or 28 percent of the emirate’s gross domestic product in 2010 and will probably contribute 32 percent by 2020, according to today’s presentation. Dubai Duty Free is the world’s largest duty-free retailer with revenue of $1.27 billion in 2010. 

Atlanta’s airport is the largest in the world by passenger traffic, including domestic flights.
To contact the reporters on this story: Arif Sharif in Dubai at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Claudia Maedler at


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