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Sunday, July 10, 2011

candid video funnys sexy video

candid video funnys sexy video
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Video Of A Tour De France Crash Caused By A French TV Car Today Here’s

Video Of A Tour De France Crash Caused By A French TV Car Today Here’s
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The summary of this Stage 9 Tour de France incident is concise: "Car clips Juan Antonio Flecha (Sky), Johnny Hoogerland (Vacansoleil-DCM) tumbles into a fence." If you want more, though, here's's summary:

A few minutes ago a French TV car hit Flecha and Hoogerland who were part of a solid breakaway in stage 9 of Tour de France. Flecha was back on the bike quickly, trying to get back to the riders ahead of him. Shortly after Hoogerland was seen back on the bike, but we do not know how he feels at the moment.

Both Flecha does not look like he can ride fast enough to reach the remaining riders of the breakaway. Hoogerland is now back with the peloton and does not look good. Could he be the ninth rider to abandon Tour de France on this dramatic stage 9?

It did not seem like the car was avoiding anything in particular, but maybe the driver was startled by the sight of the tree on the side of the road, turning toward Flecha and Hoogerland.

top gear season 17 episode 3 streetfire Video: Top Gear Season 17 Episode 2 Car Videos on StreetFire

top gear season 17 episode 3 streetfire Video: Top Gear Season 17 Episode 2  Car Videos on StreetFire
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Video: Top Gear Season 17 Episode 2

Top Gear - [17x02] - 2011.07.03
Top Gear Season 17 Episode 2 has aired on BBC2 and BBC HD last night, and naturally that hours later, a video containing the whole thing has popped up on the Internet.

Here's what the video contains : James reviews the Aston Martin Viraje, a model which fills the gap between the DB9 and the DBS, which according to him, is a 'missed opportunity' for a car that should have been a gentleman's express, but instead is a 'pointless, bone shacking race car'.

We also have the challenge segment in which the boys go on European road-trip that starts in an Italian town called Lucca by driving three hot hatches (Citroen DS3 Racing, Abarth Fiat 500C and RenaultSport Clio 200 Cup). The cars prove to be huge when compared to the city's narrow roads, but you'll get all the fun by watching it yourself.

Towards the end of the show their road-trip turns into a racing competition, in which various Formula 1 personalities also appear, so follow the jump and hit play, and also say thank you to the guys at StreetFire.

2008 北京 油画郎 幅外国人看了都惊讶的画

2008 北京 油画郎 幅外国人看了都惊讶的画
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清水良太郎 清水良太郎 画像, 清水アキラ

清水良太郎 清水良太郎 画像, 清水アキラ
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観月ありさ 清水良太郎と真剣交際!12歳の年の差















画像】女優・観月ありさ(34)と清水アキラの三男で俳優・清水良太郎(22)が真剣交際!!   女優・観月ありささん(34)とものまねタレント清水 アキラさん(57)の三男で俳優の清水良太郎さん(22)の真剣交際が発覚したそうです。今年から交際をスタートさせたという2人は、すでに良太郎さんが 父・アキラさんに報告済み、友人らも「真剣交際」ととらえているそうです…。  ⇒ Blog Ranking

12歳差の“姉さんカップル”。年の差を感じさせない観月の魅力に、良太郎がぞっこんの様子。交際は今年始まったばかりだが、良太郎は父親にも報告済みで完全に本気モード。この日からスタートした観月の主演ドラマ同様、恋の行方から目が離せない。(sponichi)  ⇒ Blog Ranking

※観月ありさ 公式ブログ - GREE
※Alisa Mizuki Official Website(音量注意)
※観月ありさオフィシャルサイト|VISION FACTORY

【画像】女優・観月ありさ 滝クリの実弟・滝川ロランと交際発覚!!


Amazonで詳しく見る by G-Tools

蒂芬妮 nubra, 蒂芬妮的香榭大道

蒂芬妮 nubra, 蒂芬妮的香榭大道
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E奶部落客裸胸示範NuBra穿法 網友讚:勇敢又無私


  • 部落客蒂芬妮僅貼上胸貼,大方裸身示範NuBra穿法。(圖/取自蒂芬妮的香榭大道)

原文網址: E奶部落客裸胸示範NuBra穿法 網友讚:勇敢又無私 | 頭條新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網蒂芬妮說,由於聽到許多女生抱怨,買了NuBra卻很難貼成功,因此決定po出這篇教學文;原本打算請哥哥示範,但沒想到他竟然瘦了下來,只好自己當作模特兒。蒂芬妮在示範教學中僅貼上胸貼,大方秀出E奶好身材,除了按步驟指導穿NuBra的方法,她還貼心的在示範圖片中,註明黏貼位置、角度。


原文網址: E奶部落客裸胸示範NuBra穿法 網友讚:勇敢又無私 | 頭條新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網

leni lan yan 3D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy

leni lan yan 3D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy
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The film 3D SEX AND ZEN: EXTREME ECSTASY (3D YUK PO TUEN ji GIK LOK BO GAM) actors Yukiko Suo, Leni Lan Yan, Sukie Shek Wing Lei, and Cheung Ching Si yesterday promoted in Mongkok. Yukiko Suo knew how to steal the show as she often pulled down her collar and played sexy. Instead Lan Yan who played disappearance earlier yesterday dressed conservatively and looked upset.

Chinese: 3D肉蒲團之極樂寶鑑
Year: 2011
Director: Christopher Sun
Producer: Stephen Shiu, Stephen Shiu Jr.
Cast: Hiro Hayama, Leni Lan Yan, Saori Hara, Vonnie Lui Hoi-Yan, Yukiko Suo, Tony Ho Wah-Chiu, Irene Chen, Tin Kai-Man, Wong Shee-Tong, Naami Hasegawa, Cliff Chen, Carina Chen, Vienna Lin, Justin Cheung, Jason Yiu, Jeffrey Chow Chun-Fai
The Skinny: The ad wizards win! 3D Sex and Zen is an enormously great conversation topic and a marketing sucess for the ages. As a film, it's OK for fans but bad for crossover audiences, thanks to an uncomfortable third act. See it if you were planning to, but not if you weren't.

by Kozo: Right now people are excited to talk about 3D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy, but years from now? By then, the film will likely be regarded for what it really is: a marketing coup that excited an entire populace into shelling out money for a mediocre film. 3D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy is supposedly based on the classic Qing Dynasty novel “The Carnal Prayer Mat,” but it’s really a film based on its own marketing pitch. That is, it’s all about its stated financial goals and its plans to achieve them, and it succeeds at those things confidently and unabashedly. Grosses have been big, buzz has been bigger, and even women's groups and grandmas have donned 3D glasses to get a gander at this erotic cinema milestone. Hands down, 3D Sex and Zen is a winner. As a product.

As a movie? “Mediocre” was the word used and it’s a good fit. 3D Sex and Zen opens with the dastardly Prince of Ning (Tony Ho) feeling up a statue of the Goddess Guanyin and pissing off the locals. This tweaking of religion sets up Ning as the film’s prime villain, and pays off later with a controversial scene that borders on nihilism. Beyond that, however, the film is pretty average for costume softcore fare. Scholar Wei Zhangsheng (Hiro Hayama) scoffs at the Prince of Ning's misbehavior, but engages in his own when he steals the comely Tie Yuxiang (Leni Lan) to be his bride from an unfortunate friend. For Zhangsheng and Yuxiang, it's love at first sight, but Zhangsheng is lightning-fast in bed, and possesses a member the size of a small child's. That's not enough to satisfy Yuxiang nor Zhangsheng, who desires more carnal pleasure than giggle-inducing quickies.

Zhangsheng's initiation into the sexual elite comes from the Prince of Ning, who's just as nasty and haughty in person as he's rumored to be. Zhangsheng initially wants to report the Prince's crappy ways to the government but quickly becomes his art advisor and starts hanging out at the Prince's Pavilion of Ultimate Bliss, an elaborate paper-mache cave set housing dozens of nubile beauties. It's the girls who make Zhangsheng drop his supposed principles, as he abandons Tei to romp with Ruizhi (AV star Saori Hara), who uses acupuncture to increase Zhangsheng's stamina. However, no needles or nudity will be able to solve Zhangsheng's size problem, so it's off to a couple of quack doctors who promise to replace Zhangsheng's penis with one from a lesser animal. 3-D hijinks ensue.

If the above plot sounds familiar, that's because it is. The original Sex and Zen was about a scholar (Lawrence Ng) who embraced the carnal pleasures by dropping his busty wife (Amy Yip) for sexual misadventures and a horse penis transplant. However, that storyline did relate to the “Zen” in the title, with the scholar’s carnal exploits coming as a conscious pursuit that leads to a karmic end. 3D Sex and Zen only drops hints of Zen, and instead goes with a half-baked revenge storyline with an overarching true love theme. The filmmakers have their cake and eat it too by trying to sell a true love tale while offering up penis transplants and orgies. It’s a little dishonest, but so was the original Sex and Zen, which supposed that a karmic end makes up for ninety minutes of graphic titillation. We’ll have to concede this hypocrisy to the filmmakers because if we don’t, we really have nothing to talk about.

Sadly, this concession doesn’t excuse 3D Sex and Zen’s other debits, such as unimaginative ideas, routine softcore and uninspired 3D effects. The unexciting softcore is unfortunate as it’s just standard bumping and grinding with little of the creativity or zaniness that characterized the nineties genre classics. Some of the visual gags and initial sex scenes are fun, and the girls are game and good-looking (besides Saori Hara, AV star Yukiko Suo shows off her goods). However, nothing here really excites beyond the most obvious hormonal level. What’s worse, the film lifts its most notable sex scenes straight from the original Sex and Zen, but stages them without the energy or filmmaking wit that one would hope for.

The 3D is also disappointing. The filmmakers use standard gimmicks; knives, bullets, water and CG effects get the 3D treatment, but only once does anything resembling a phallus get shoved into audience faces. Not that this is what we should want, but at least poking audience eyeballs with phallic stuff shows a willingness to use 3D to offend. Also, the showy 3D lessens the impact of the film’s ballyhooed sex and nudity. Watching flesh wriggle about in stereoscopic 3D isn’t as compelling as advertised, as it’s usually non-sexy stuff like tables, windows, flower petals, etc. that are used to show depth during the sex scenes. Nothing here seems real or close enough to touch – and really, isn’t that the whole point of a 3D erotic film? That it takes the titillation to a whole new level?

Ultimately, 3D Sex and Zen is more talk than action, and never delivers on its promise. The hype has been successful though, with audiences rushing in simply to see what the hoopla is about. They also showed up for the original Sex and Zen, but at least that film delivered to crossover audiences as a bawdy erotic comedy. The downer ending may have been a tad off-putting, but it’s far less upsetting than what happens in 3D Sex and Zen, which melds a first half of genial softcore silliness with a second half of torture porn-style violence. Granted, this type of “sex comedy” is also a viable genre (see A Chinese Torture Chamber Story for an example), but it’s mostly for fringe local fans or western fans who enjoy extreme cinema. Your typical crossover audience won’t enjoy what goes in the second half of 3D Sex and Zen and why should they? Rape, graphic torture, etc. – it’s unpleasant stuff.

Stripping away the disappointment that massive hype inevitably leads to, 3D Sex and Zen is a decent genre fix. The film has hot girls, some surprising dirty laughs, and a decent-sized budget. The acting isn’t much to write home about, but there are standouts. Leads Hiro Hayama and Leni Lan are serviceable if not spectacular. Lan gets extra credit for the more uncomfortable scenes, and the filmmakers should be thanked simply for getting new and interesting faces to join this genre. The AV stars are frisky and fun, and Tony Ho goes for an epic overacting performance as the perpetually-sneering Prince of Ning. Also of note is chesty Hong Kong model Vonnie Lui, who plays the Elder of Bliss, a character who is quite obviously more than meets the eye. Sadly, she rarely shows the goods unlike her Japanese or Taiwanese counterparts in the film. So much for local representation.

In the end, 3D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy lives up to the words “sex” and “extreme”, but not “Zen”, “ecstasy” or “3D.” It absolutely doesn’t live up to its hype, but how could it really? Hype can be a slippery slope, and considering that 3D Sex and Zen is average and also inaccessible to casual consumers, a backlash would be more than understood. However, non-casual consumers (a.k.a. fans of the genre, extreme cinema or crap) will likely not be disappointed, as the film is pretty much what we think it is – not more and not less. Ultimately, the filmmakers’ biggest success is how they got all of us to talk about the film. In that, they absolutely excelled, and deserve to win a Hong Kong Film Award for Best Marketing. Too bad there isn’t one. (Kozo, 2011)
The film company yesterday set up a stage to promote, but the police arrived and said that they did not file an application with the Lands Department. The event insisted that it did and finally the event was permitted to continue. Yukiko Suo visited Mongkok for the first time and thought the place was very special. She would like to come again next time on vacation. During the event, she distributed tissues to the crowd and even put them between her breasts for photos. Was she afraid of harassment? She said no, she also would like the chance to come to Hong Kong for a pictorial collection shoot. Speaking of co-star Saori Hara's retirement from adult videos, she said that perhaps she was too busy and she did not want to disturb her.

Earlier disappeared and absent from promotions, Lan Yan yesterday looked upset in a trench coat. Was she upset because she and Stephen Shiu Jr. were at a dispute? She explained that the night before she did not sleep so she was tired. She admitted that she dressed conservatively because of the crowd. However she denied that her collaboration with Stephen Shiu Jr. has been unpleasant. Earlier Stephen Shiu Jr. claimed that if she did not attend the promotion he would sue her. Lan Yan said, "This is already in the past, the media should be certain between fact and fiction. (The boss can't find you!) You should discuss this with my manager." Earlier rumors of her death surfaced, she said that perhaps that day was April Fool's Day. Would she write a letter of apology to Stephen Shiu Jr? She said, "I am not wrong, why would I have to write one." Stephen Shiu Jr. said that he was not at odds with Lan Yan. "At least she apologized to me. I accepted her email." He also said that her contract stipulated promotion, at least until May's Cannes Film Festival."

Ayesha, the lady Bruce Lee! 2011

Ayesha, the lady Bruce Lee! 2011
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After Tollywood’s Vijayashanti, there hasn’t been (m)any heroine(s) who could successfully play the action-heroine’s role to perfection.  Vijayashanti, who has since become a full-fledged politician, dazzled in many action films in the late eighties and throughout the nineties in Telugu and Tamil films. Our smiling beauty Sneha made a pathetic attempt in ‘Bhavani IPS’ and failed miserably.

Meet Ayesha, the lady Bruce Lee!

Taking on the mantle from Vijayashanti, actress Ayesha is making waves in Sandalwood by successively taking on action-packed heroine’s roles in Kannada films. Ayesha is already known as ‘Lady Bruce Lee’ by the fans in Karnataka.  Yesteryear’s Kannada actress Malasree too tried her hand at ‘action films’ a few times and did a fairly good job.
Hailing from Tirupathi, Ayesha is well trained in the martial art from of Karate in which she has secured a ‘black belt’.  She has a toned, muscular physique besides retaining her feminine beauty.  She reportedly started learning Karata when she was just one year old.  Fearless at heart, she is said to have floored many ‘men’ during her Karata training.
With films like ‘Jeha He’ and ‘Chennamma IPS’, Ayesha has started going places as an ‘action heroine’ in Kannada films.  ‘Chennamma IPS’ is said to be the Kannada remake of Vijayashanti’s timeless classic ‘Vyjayanthi IPS’.  Ayesha plays the role of an Assistant Commissioner of Police who goes all out in her offensive against the hooligans the rid the city of crime and deceit.
Looking slim and strong, Ayesha sure deserves the tag of ‘Lady Bruce Lee’!

Meet Ayesha, the lady Bruce Lee! Meet Ayesha, the lady Bruce Lee! Meet Ayesha, the lady Bruce Lee! Meet Ayesha, the lady Bruce Lee! Meet Ayesha, the lady Bruce Lee! Meet Ayesha, the lady Bruce Lee! Meet Ayesha, the lady Bruce Lee! Meet Ayesha, the lady Bruce Lee! Meet Ayesha, the lady Bruce Lee! Meet Ayesha, the lady Bruce Lee! Meet Ayesha, the lady Bruce Lee! Meet Ayesha, the lady Bruce Lee!

naan mahaan alla,Karthi’s ‘Naan Mahaan Alla’ to release in Telugu

naan mahaan alla,Karthi’s ‘Naan Mahaan Alla’ to release in Telugu
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The dubbed version of actor Karthi’s ‘Naan Mahaan Alla’ is to release shortly in Telugu. The film, which had the scintillating Kajal Agarwal opposite Karthi, was a box-office hit in Tamil and was directed by Suseendhiran who had earlier made a successful debut in Kollywood with the film ‘Vennila Kabadikuzhu’.

Karthis Naan Mahaan Alla to release in Telugu

Karthi enjoys huge popularity among Telugu fans, thanks to his films like ‘Paruthiveeran’ and ‘Aayirathil Oruvan’, which have done rousing business in Andhra Pradesh. Karthi’s & Kajal Agarwal’s combined popularity is expected to take ‘Naa Peru Siva’ (the title of the dubbed version of ‘Naan Mahaan Alla’) to safer zones as and when it is released in the State.
Like any other Telugu film, ‘Naa Peru Siva’ would also have its theatrical release preceded by the release of its audio. The audio launch is likely to be held in the first week of July in Hyderabad in which Karthi and Kajal Agarwal are expected to be present.
Karthi joins the likes of superstar Rajnikanth, Surya, Vikram and Ajith, whose films enjoy huge popularity among Telugu fans!

Karthis Naan Mahaan Alla to release in Telugu Karthis Naan Mahaan Alla to release in Telugu Karthis Naan Mahaan Alla to release in Telugu


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