Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bill O'Reilly vs. Geraldo on Casey Anthony's Murder Acquittal and Democrats Hate Palin 2011

Bill O'Reilly vs. Geraldo on Casey Anthony's Murder Acquittal and Democrats Hate Palin 2011
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The Casey Anthony verdict has caused plenty of consternation among the media. One such person annoyed, angry, and flummoxed is Fox News host Bill O’Reilly. On Tuesday, he hosted media critic Bernard Goldberg to discuss it. And when O’Reilly brought up his just-concluded interview with Geraldo Rivera — in which Geraldo defended Anthony as a “good mother” — Goldberg went off.

“I wonder if Geraldo and others who think like Geraldo would be so open minded if let’s say a militia man in Arizona was accused of killing a Hispanic immigrant, and the evidence was similar to this case — a mountain of circumstantial evidence,” he said. “You think Geraldo Rivera would go on the air and talk to you the way he did?”

Understanding that the question was loaded, and there’s really no non-controversial way to answer it, O’Reilly responded, “I really can’t answer that.”

Goldberg did: “I don’t think he would speculate that maybe this person did it, maybe she’s crazy, maybe this, maybe that. This is ridiculous.”

This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," July 5, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

Watch "The O'Reilly Factor" weeknights at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET!

BILL O'REILLY, FOX NEWS HOST: Fox News anchor Geraldo Rivera scored a huge interview with Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez.


JOSE BAEZ, CASEY ANTHONY'S DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You're saying I didn't expect this. We're not saying that at all. We always felt very strongly about our case and we always felt that - - that this case was built on -- it was built on nothing. And the jury saw through all of the fantasy and forensics and they saw through a lot of the lies that were presented before that.


O'REILLY: "The fantasy of forensics."

Ok, joining us now from Orlando, Geraldo who obviously is way out in front in this case. Are you as angry as I am tonight? We've known each other a long time; we've covered a lot of this kind of stuff. I'm so angry about this verdict. Are you?

GERALDO RIVERA, HOST OF "GERALDO AT LARGE": I -- I can see that and - - and I see the seething and I think that you accurately Bill, reflect the sentiment certainly of my wife. I heard from Erica and she said that she was with other mothers at the -- at the summer camp and they were all feeling a sense of disgust. And I totally understand that.

But you have to understand that I see this in two ways. I see it as a citizen and as a father. Three of my five children are girls as you know. I relate to this poor victim, this child. I -- I'm absolutely scornful and -- and feel a great sense of disdain for the accused, the former accused, Casey Anthony. I think she clearly lied and did a lot of things here that were absolutely reprehensible.

But there's a couple of things that people forget and that where I think people have to understand now and be honest with themselves and figure a couple of things out. Number one, there was not one bit of evidence that this mother ever in any way neglected or abused this child.

O'REILLY: Let me -- let me stop you there. Let me stop you there.

O'REILLY: Ok, let me stop you. How can you stand there and say that in front of millions of people all over the world when a two-year-old goes missing and the mother doesn't even call 911? You're telling me the mother never neglected the child and she is missing and doesn't call 911? That's neglect, Geraldo.

RIVERA: You are confusing two issues. One is what happened leading up to that awful moment when this child died by all accounts --

O'REILLY: You said -- no wait a minute Geraldo -- you said there was no evidence.

GERALDO: Then it is --

O'REILLY: Wait, wait, wait. You said Casey Anthony, there was no evidence she ever neglected her child and I'm telling you that's bull. She neglected her child by failing to report the child's disappearance.

RIVERA: That's from June 16th on. That's post-mortem that's after the child is dead. Whether --

O'REILLY: You don't know that.
RIVERA: -- she was abused --

O'REILLY: You don't know when -- look, the mother has the two-year- old in the house. The two-year-old is gone. The mother says nothing and lies about it. Come on that's neglect.

RIVERA: What if this? What if it's the baby's daddy that you don't know who he is and where he's from --


O'REILLY: All right, stop with the "what ifs", Geraldo. Let's just go with the record.

RIVERA: What if he did something, how -- the record suggests, that's exactly what I'm trying to say here Bill, the record is conclusive. This was a good mother. You see the videos.


O'REILLY: Oh, bull! This is so much bull I can't stand it! A good mother? How does a good mother go to a wet body contest when her baby is missing? How does that happen? A good mother? Come on.


RIVERA: Because maybe her brain is so distorted by years of abuse she can't think straight.
O'REILLY: Oh stop it! Stop it!
RIVERA: Maybe she is mentally ill.
O'REILLY: Maybe? Maybe?
RIVERA: Maybe she's psychotic, who knowS? but that is not the crime of murder.



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