Thursday, September 2, 2010



WOMEN  Human life in the universe has a purpose and prospects of life that is not the same. That difference makes human beings have a variety of perceptions in determining everything he could to support the desires and goals. It encourages diversity in how it determines the facility, a way of life, friends hanging out, the agency that he would occupy, reading books, teachers, and who never missed a mate is a determining criterion. Man who understand the purpose of his life will be more protective in choosing a life partner (spouse) to be able to help in the realization of the struggle in reaching the goal. From the synopsis on the actual discourse we can uncover some of the knowledge and the phenomenon ... which has been explained by verses of the Koran, among which reads: "At-Thoyyibun Thoyyibat lit. This letter seemed to indicate inclination of human psychology in determining the appropriate soul mate with her character. In other words ideal woman is a female character who has much in common with these men. Example: a musician who prefers women musicians all, a search Kyai Kyai character-law also, the Islamic religion obliges incline and find a mate who is Muslim, and others. Even though not absolute but most of the character so human inclination. Mate was in the hands of God, so God does have an absolute determination marriage, that if we read it from the aspect of unity. The next discussion is the hadeeth of Rasulullah SAW, which reads: تنكح المرأة لأربع: لمالها لجمالها لنسبها ولدينها فاظفر بذات الدين ترب يداك Many people interpret the above hadith are stuck in fi'il majhulnya (تنكح المرأة). Many interpret that "women who had married them are: great possessions, pretty obviously, the perfect offspring, and good religion." Such a description is like stating that people are very materialistic and narrow Muslims in choosing a mate. In my opinion, the interpretation of the above hadith is: "women in general to be much that's chosen is a great possessions, looking beautiful, well bred, and religion that well too." But we also need to jelly afterwards with the command word in the hadith which instructs us as a Muslim to better see the figure of woman in terms of religion. So globally pengertaiannya this way: "women in general were married for four things: wealth, beauty, and his descendants. However pilhlah perfect woman who is religious, then you will have better luck. Because of course with the perfection of his religion a woman will feel more complete and beautiful that is always soothing the liver, had great-looking than beautiful, more noble thoroughbred can cause conflict of secular and prone to collapse. But more lucky again for a man who received a dlohir beautiful woman and her inner, more affluent, beautiful, perfect children, and religious well , that is indeed



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