Wednesday, September 1, 2010

why women should be married?

why women should be married?

Women marry because 4 This
1.Hartanya2.Keturunannya3.Kecantikkannya4.Agamanya (sholehah morals), and this is his best option.

Marriage is intended to be able to take pleasure (one another) and to foster shalihah households and communities that are good, as we have said in advance. Therefore, the ideal woman to marry a woman who is expected to achieve the two objectives are perfectly disifati woman with physical beauty and meaningful paras.
So his face is a beautiful woman physically perfect woman, because a woman if she was beautiful when seen, soft spoken, then matapun Manjadi cool to look at and listen to serene telingapun yea, so hatipun open for him and his chest into the field to accept and serene jiwapun with him and the realization of what God hath spoken Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala:
"And among the signs of His power is that He created for you wives from jenismu itself, so you tend to be and feel reassured him, and pledged his love and affection among you" (Surah Ar Rum: 21)
Meaningful beauty the perfection of religion and morals, so that when the woman is a religious woman and morality then she became more loved by every soul and consequently more survivors. So the religious woman, she will obey God's command through, continuing to maintain the rights of husbands, households and children and property of her husband. Constantly helping her husband to perform obedience to Allah Ta'ala in kala wa Subhaanahu husband remember Him. If he's so lazy husband who encouraged him, if the husband who made her angry so she pleased. While wantia a certain character is a woman who gives caresses his love to her husband and his honor. Always rush the husband's likes and does not procrastinate preferred something husband. And the Prophet Shallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam was asked about how a good woman? And he answered:"That is a nice woman's husband if the husband is seen and when commanded to obey and not to betray her husband to herself and did not betray his treasure with something he hates." (Narrated by Ahmad and Nasaai)
And he Shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:"Marry the woman loving you more fertile because I feel proud of many of you in front of the prophets, or he states: before the whole congregation" (Narrated by Abu Dawood and An Nasaai)
So whenever possible to get a woman who meets the criteria of a beautiful woman beautiful her face and she thought then this is the perfection and happiness with ease from God Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala.

Today, being warm-warm talked about marriage siri (hidden or secretly). This issue raises the pros and cons in the community.
Moreover, when the government is submitted a draft bill on the Law of Marriage Material Religion court will
mempidanakan marriages without official documents.
In the draft bill contains criminal provisions related to marriage siri, mutah marriage, marriage second, third, and fourth.
For those who agree with siri marriage, the draft bill was considered to have violated human rights. Because marriage is viewed as a human right, not a government matter. Whereas those who reject the opinion that women who engage in marital relations siri vulnerable to domestic violence.
In addition to physical and mental violence, they often had to lose his rights as a wife because they have no clear legal status. Therefore, married siri more harm children and women.
The Government believes that, this bill aims to bring awareness to the public of the meaning of marriage. Marriage is not just a game.
Married should use the marriage certificate. There is also the assurance of legal certainty for children offspring. With the recognition of marriage in KUA, then the rights of wives and children to be accommodated.
Even with the recognition that marriage, his wife and children will have protection. One possibility is experienced by women who are siri dinikah, without a marriage certificate, was that he and his son will lose the right of inheritance when her husband died.
Indeed, anyone has the right to marry or not marry, but when already live together so they must obey the rules. As a country that has a positive law and customary law / religious, Indonesia can not be equated with Western countries.
We do not agree with the argument that says that marriage is a religious service unnecessarily complicated by a state administrative records.
Precisely with the rules, the state encourages the establishment of appropriate wedding destination wedding itself, namely the creation of a good house or referred sakinah Mawaddah wa Rahmah.



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