Wednesday, September 1, 2010

WOMEN IN THE philosophy of life

WOMEN IN THE philosophy of life

ni gurindam twelve melayu kite
If you want to about the nation,refer to the mind and language,If you want to know people who were happy,so keep that in vain.If you want to know the man noble,look at the behavior of him.If you want to know the knowledgeable,asking questions and learning will never be bored.If you want to know the person who understands,in the world to take stock.If you want to know people of good temperament,look at when mixed with the crowd.Monday, April 13, 2009ABOUT WOMEN

FemaleIt was hot my brain, thinking about everythingRoll tide wait, when scrolling figHuh ...., A daunpun fall, apart from the dry stalksYes .. he fell blowing a light breeze that sweptUntil the passing dihadapku, if he was an angel.
Sneered my mind, the ninja throughall her neat tertupiStep with the spirit, his heart dropped downFull walk humble.
It will still exist women trembleManjaga holiness, fragrant body the teaser is notCloser to the powerWomen whose love is priceless

Said the woman, considered to be derived from the Sanskrit, with a basic word that means lust wan, so that words have meaning dinafsui woman or a sex object. In the Java language (Jarwo Dosok), said female means Wani laid out, it means daring to set. And of the two interpretations were possible all fit with our desire desires "(men) mostly, perfect if our mind is the basis of mere lust. Because it is a lot of assumptions that are considered suitable by the woman that she is a creature of this world that makes it both under-caste, she was trivial and therefore it is natural weak or digonta dipacari presumably to replace the boyfriend, she often missed the caresses of the opposite sex, women's percentage is more from the opposite sex so if only one then girlfriend as where the fate of the rest. Yes all the that is presented today, can not be denied and denied, and the whole expression which returns a woman as the jahili after the error and before the messenger of a noble down.
With various excuses or often called the background that often embody attitudes and behaviors of the woman herself or from the opposite sex, how sex workers are scattered to cushion economic hardship, how chickens chickens roaming the campus intellectual activities were interrupted, how to kiss and caress the menu in the dating ( taghozzul), how love is meant to be misconstrued to be one for the way of lust, how aurat do not wake up and become something good for sold, how much like romeo n Juliet or Laila majnun proposition represented as a form of love even if not entitled, excuses that often emerge from in the name of love. All women become objects positioned away from the teachings jahili haqiqi.
Today, the condition of most women is far from fulfilling the criteria as women who receive guidance (Muslim women) .. criteria although it is difficult and frequently encountered thorny steep road, which for much less undergo melihatnyapun fear, the road that is often despised and considered incompatible with the heart.When the first birth of women abused each buried alive, a servant or slave, but different when Islam was born he positioned three times compared to men, to always be touched by the love and glory, heaven is under her feet. But the rose will be meaningless if what is inside and that there dilingkungannya really understand the glorious creation of God on this one, because dizaman now highly dependent of the individual and the social world if he would be glorified and memulliakan or just the opposite. Yet when viewed from heavy duty his back, a woman giving birth, breastfeeding, parenting, raising future leaders of our future leaders, whether he is ready and able to result in the best products, or vice versa, the real potential that exists within the prospective leader is determined by bagroundnya, will be it good bad or he fore. Solehah women who did not turn a blind eye is also a pillar of state and or civilization.
In this paragraph, the Islamic woman is a woman who respected and always maintain her honor, which upheld a woman and always try mengabil uswah of his lord, the woman who submitted to the Divine love, love for, of and by the scriptures. But Islam is not confined to women even more remarkable "each of you is leader and every leader will be questioned about his leadership." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
Proof; heaven under his feet, glorious, powerful, activist, independent, spirit, lead, gentle heart, the more so is wisdom. Women every lekuknya so meaningful, beauty, coolness, balance, correlation and the Lord for the beauty of the world who saw him with hudan (instructions). But really it all, Or did she now agree with kejahiliahan? Or is because times have changed so much from Islamic akhlaqpun? Or indeed destiny no more women Solehah? Or indeed the material is everything to no avail god clues? Or indeed because of his intelligence until his heart was not able to read our final destination? Or what else the scapegoat?. It seems that one is me, because I had become dirty and rusty and fossilized, I dalah our hearts, which was rare until the long run is not at all the cool dew tertetes God, many sins used to the small-to long run a great sin was considered normal, His farthest from the street means damage to the liver so as to decide to become a woman was impeded commendable.
Finally, we both know that women are also human beings, as fellow human beings should then nothing could feel more, more before God the Creator is dependent penghambaannya rate, because with it he became a noble penghambaanya and will receive his award from .Some Islamic Women's Achievement: Entin Kartini, Ship Captain of the First Women in Indonesia, never take the boat from Germany to Indonesia. Ida Fiqriah, Heroine (captain) Indonesian pilot of commercial aircraft R-Bush 330. Police Brig Rumiah (Banten Police Chief) "women are more patient, thorough and humanist" he said. Banten Governor Ratu Atut Khofsiah. Yossi Anita, firefighter (flame tamer team members) the city of Padang, the first female brigade. Letda Fariana Goddess aviator, fighter pilot Air Force helicopter was the only woman and the first in the homeland, "she hopes to become an instructor pilot, inshaAllah" he said.
Let women who already have a predicate of Islam, then learn what we choose it, predicates that take into laudable, do not we stop to work, enthusiasm, optimism, gentleness does not make us to bermanja-pampered, to be follow the road for women who have predicate true Muslim woman. God love the beauty, the beautiful creations that are women, do not ruin the beauty of good that you see it.
'A'uzubillahi minassyaithonirrojim (I seek refuge in GOD from Satan the accursed temptation), al lazi yuwaswisufisudurinnas ((satan) who whispers evil into the chest Man) jinnatiwannas minal (from among the jinns and humans)



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