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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Benefits and Uses of Human Pheromones

Benefits and Uses of Human Pheromones

human pheromones is essential sbagai natural communication media produced many organisms that turned out to be useful to humans. Even proven that the media is the location of growth and development of love and affection between people.

There are times when we often ask, why the ant when the ant often meet fellow first kiss? And, what is the purpose pleky, our mutt, when in a particular location will be urinating on the area? This is not a form of mere fad, right?

Basically, ants and pleky not just fun to do the activity. All of that is a form of interspecies communication of their kind. Ants communicate in preaching the variety of things, from telling the location of food, there is a danger, to detect members of the group. Whereas in the case pleky, he marks his territory to other dogs know that the area belongs to him. Minimum reported that pleky was here!

Well, all these activities can be done via a chemical compound called pheromones (pheromones, from the Greek word meaning pherein bring or carry). In the Encyclopaedia Britannica, pheromone is defined as a chemical compound that is secreted (or produced by certain glands) in an organism in a very small quantity, then cause a specific response of other organisms of the same species. Of course that means, pheromones given by an ant must be understood only other ants, not beetles, bees, or butterflies. Likewise with the pheromone produced by the Pleky urine, can only be smelled by his friends, his dog.

Pheromones are many found in various species of insects, vertebrates, as well as in several types of mushrooms, fungi, and algae. Real form of the pheromone is a certain smell that is usually found in vertebrate animal urine, saliva, insects, or pollen produced by organisms of the pathogens and friends.

Environmentally friendly

Once relies on pheromones as a medium of communication between certain organisms, making the chemists (who investigate the origins of their chemical compounds) and many biologists (which examines each organism) are curious and amazed. Tell me, who is not impressed. Without having to talk, give the code signals, writing, and reading the message, the organism is able to communicate. Only through smells or scents are produced pheromone.

The uniqueness of this pheromone latter fact can be used for the benefit of man. Precisely, when known that insect pheromones are also used in marking their partners to make further breeding. Thus, female insects, in certain periods, spreading insect pheromone to males, as a sign could be the start of mating season. Maybe if in our world, such as casting spell or giving okay sign, for the next ready-Female and dipacari, yes.

Through the phenomenon of pheromones as sexual attraction, the experts then make a concoction of synthetic pheromones used to eradicate insect pests. Fun, these ingredients are not killed, but limit the insect population. So the male insects fed with synthetic pheromones that produce similar odor from the female pheromone.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

why women must be wearing jilbab

why women must be wearing jilbab
The term jilbab or jilbaab (Arabic جلباب) is the plural of the word jilaabah which refers to any long and loose-fit coat or garment worn by some Muslim women. They believe that this definition of jilbab fulfills the Quranic demand for a Hijab. Jilbab or Jilaabah is also known as Jubbah or Manteau (which is the French word for coat or mantle).

The modern jilbāb covers the entire body, except for hands, feet, face, and head. The head is then covered by a scarf or wrap (khimar). Some women will also cover the hands, feet, and face (niqab).

In Indonesia, the word jilbab is used for a headscarf rather than a long baggy overgarment (Geertz).

The plural of jilbāb, jalabib, is found in the Qur'an, verse 33:59 (Surah Al-Ahzab). The verse in transliterated Arabic and the popular translation of Yusuf Ali goes:

Ya ayyuha an-Nabiyy qul li azwajika wa banatika wa nisa al-mu'minin yudnina alayhinna min jalabib hinna; dhalika adna an yu'rafna fa laa yu'dhayn. Wa kana Allahu Ghafur Rahim

O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their [jalabib] (Jilbabs) over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Whereas Yusuf Ali is not an accredited scholar of Qur'anic exegesis, Hadith (oral traditions of the Prophet Muhammad later recorded by contemporaries of his companions), or in any other religious field by any Islamic standard (by Islamic scholars of institutions such as Al-Azhar of Egypt, Dar ul-Uloom of Pakistan and India, Islamic University of Saudi-Arabia, etc), the translation of the Qur'an entitled Interpretation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an in the English Language by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan and Dr. Muhammad Taqiuddin Al-Hilali is a better representation of Sunni thought as its meanings are taken from the books considered most authentic and accepted by all Sunnis, such as Tafsir Al-Tabari, Al-Qurtubi, Tafsir Ibn Kathir, and from the sound books of Hadith, Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. It is certified to this extent by Shaykh 'Abdul 'Aziz bin 'Abdullah bin Baz and Shaykh Umar Muhammad Fullata, two scholars of renown throughout the Sunni world during the latter half of the twentieth century who also represent two of the most prominent institutions of Sunni Islamic scholarship, Dar ul-Ifta in Riyadh, Saudi-Arabia and Islamic University of Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah in Medina, Saudi-Arabia.

Its translation is as follows:

O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (jalabib or veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

(V.33:59) "They should cover (draw their veils (jalabib) over) their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms, etc., not to reveal their adornment."

This translation, "screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way" is specifically from: Tafsir Al-Tabari, Vol. 22, page 33 and Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 6, page 471. This is also cited in the most senior tafsir (commentary of the Qur'an) of all, Tafsir Ibn Abbas, page 407, the edition published by Darul Fikr of Beirut, Lebanon. Ibn Abbas has the status of Sahaba, or companion of the Prophet.

There are hadith which serve as commentary on the above verse of the Qur'an (33:59) which mention the jilbab, such as the following:

Narrated Safiyah bint Shaibah: 'Aisha used to say: "When (the Verse): "They should draw their jalabib over their necks and bosoms," was revealed, (the ladies) cut their waist sheets at the edges and covered their faces with the cut pieces." (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number #282)

Another hadith mentioning the jilbab follows:

Narrated Umm Atiyya: We were ordered to bring out our menstruating women and screened women to the religious gatherings and invocation of the Muslims on the two Eid festivals. These menstruating women were to keep away from the musalla. A woman asked, "O Messenger of Allah! What about one who does not have a jilbab?". He said, "Let her borrow the jilbab of her companion". (Sahih Bukhari, Book 8, #347)


about Miyabi AKA Maria Ozawa

Maria Ozawa Miyabi also known as Miyabi is a famous Japanese AV idols. Like AV idols Tina Yuzuki and Anna Ohura, Maria Ozawa is of mixed-race parentage. Her mother is Japanese and her father is French-Canadian,which gives her a look that has been described as “a perfect balance of Japanese beauty mixed with a dash of exoticism.”Since she attended an international school from primary school to high school, she claims that her English reading and writing ability is better than her Japanese.Despite her international background, in interviews Ozawa expresses a preference for Asian romantic partners. While at school, she played hockey every day, and often went to karaoke after class.Her hobbies include cooking, which she is good at, and watching AVs on her flatscreen television set.She also enjoys playing video games, and owns a pink Nintendo DS Lite,and a pink PlayStation 2 console.



WOMEN  Human life in the universe has a purpose and prospects of life that is not the same. That difference makes human beings have a variety of perceptions in determining everything he could to support the desires and goals. It encourages diversity in how it determines the facility, a way of life, friends hanging out, the agency that he would occupy, reading books, teachers, and who never missed a mate is a determining criterion. Man who understand the purpose of his life will be more protective in choosing a life partner (spouse) to be able to help in the realization of the struggle in reaching the goal. From the synopsis on the actual discourse we can uncover some of the knowledge and the phenomenon ... which has been explained by verses of the Koran, among which reads: "At-Thoyyibun Thoyyibat lit. This letter seemed to indicate inclination of human psychology in determining the appropriate soul mate with her character. In other words ideal woman is a female character who has much in common with these men. Example: a musician who prefers women musicians all, a search Kyai Kyai character-law also, the Islamic religion obliges incline and find a mate who is Muslim, and others. Even though not absolute but most of the character so human inclination. Mate was in the hands of God, so God does have an absolute determination marriage, that if we read it from the aspect of unity. The next discussion is the hadeeth of Rasulullah SAW, which reads: تنكح المرأة لأربع: لمالها لجمالها لنسبها ولدينها فاظفر بذات الدين ترب يداك Many people interpret the above hadith are stuck in fi'il majhulnya (تنكح المرأة). Many interpret that "women who had married them are: great possessions, pretty obviously, the perfect offspring, and good religion." Such a description is like stating that people are very materialistic and narrow Muslims in choosing a mate. In my opinion, the interpretation of the above hadith is: "women in general to be much that's chosen is a great possessions, looking beautiful, well bred, and religion that well too." But we also need to jelly afterwards with the command word in the hadith which instructs us as a Muslim to better see the figure of woman in terms of religion. So globally pengertaiannya this way: "women in general were married for four things: wealth, beauty, and his descendants. However pilhlah perfect woman who is religious, then you will have better luck. Because of course with the perfection of his religion a woman will feel more complete and beautiful that is always soothing the liver, had great-looking than beautiful, more noble thoroughbred can cause conflict of secular and prone to collapse. But more lucky again for a man who received a dlohir beautiful woman and her inner, more affluent, beautiful, perfect children, and religious well , that is indeed

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

why women should be married?

why women should be married?

Women marry because 4 This
1.Hartanya2.Keturunannya3.Kecantikkannya4.Agamanya (sholehah morals), and this is his best option.

Marriage is intended to be able to take pleasure (one another) and to foster shalihah households and communities that are good, as we have said in advance. Therefore, the ideal woman to marry a woman who is expected to achieve the two objectives are perfectly disifati woman with physical beauty and meaningful paras.
So his face is a beautiful woman physically perfect woman, because a woman if she was beautiful when seen, soft spoken, then matapun Manjadi cool to look at and listen to serene telingapun yea, so hatipun open for him and his chest into the field to accept and serene jiwapun with him and the realization of what God hath spoken Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala:
"And among the signs of His power is that He created for you wives from jenismu itself, so you tend to be and feel reassured him, and pledged his love and affection among you" (Surah Ar Rum: 21)
Meaningful beauty the perfection of religion and morals, so that when the woman is a religious woman and morality then she became more loved by every soul and consequently more survivors. So the religious woman, she will obey God's command through, continuing to maintain the rights of husbands, households and children and property of her husband. Constantly helping her husband to perform obedience to Allah Ta'ala in kala wa Subhaanahu husband remember Him. If he's so lazy husband who encouraged him, if the husband who made her angry so she pleased. While wantia a certain character is a woman who gives caresses his love to her husband and his honor. Always rush the husband's likes and does not procrastinate preferred something husband. And the Prophet Shallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam was asked about how a good woman? And he answered:"That is a nice woman's husband if the husband is seen and when commanded to obey and not to betray her husband to herself and did not betray his treasure with something he hates." (Narrated by Ahmad and Nasaai)
And he Shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:"Marry the woman loving you more fertile because I feel proud of many of you in front of the prophets, or he states: before the whole congregation" (Narrated by Abu Dawood and An Nasaai)
So whenever possible to get a woman who meets the criteria of a beautiful woman beautiful her face and she thought then this is the perfection and happiness with ease from God Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala.

Today, being warm-warm talked about marriage siri (hidden or secretly). This issue raises the pros and cons in the community.
Moreover, when the government is submitted a draft bill on the Law of Marriage Material Religion court will
mempidanakan marriages without official documents.
In the draft bill contains criminal provisions related to marriage siri, mutah marriage, marriage second, third, and fourth.
For those who agree with siri marriage, the draft bill was considered to have violated human rights. Because marriage is viewed as a human right, not a government matter. Whereas those who reject the opinion that women who engage in marital relations siri vulnerable to domestic violence.
In addition to physical and mental violence, they often had to lose his rights as a wife because they have no clear legal status. Therefore, married siri more harm children and women.
The Government believes that, this bill aims to bring awareness to the public of the meaning of marriage. Marriage is not just a game.
Married should use the marriage certificate. There is also the assurance of legal certainty for children offspring. With the recognition of marriage in KUA, then the rights of wives and children to be accommodated.
Even with the recognition that marriage, his wife and children will have protection. One possibility is experienced by women who are siri dinikah, without a marriage certificate, was that he and his son will lose the right of inheritance when her husband died.
Indeed, anyone has the right to marry or not marry, but when already live together so they must obey the rules. As a country that has a positive law and customary law / religious, Indonesia can not be equated with Western countries.
We do not agree with the argument that says that marriage is a religious service unnecessarily complicated by a state administrative records.
Precisely with the rules, the state encourages the establishment of appropriate wedding destination wedding itself, namely the creation of a good house or referred sakinah Mawaddah wa Rahmah.



What do Kartini, Earth, and Literature? Rightfully raised questions, because when we enter the months of April to remember the public is Kartini Day. Emancipation of women warriors of this country. Whereas, in April, there was another big day of commemoration of Earth Day and the Day of Literature. However, many people do not know that there are two that I mentioned last warning. Ironic indeed!
Kartini Day
Some time ago in Kompas (Sunday, 21/03/2010) I read the news about 'Passion Ascend at Age 50 Years "in their report which tells of the excitement of the women aged over 50 years continue to climb the mountain, because of their hobby since I was young. A community that there are two, namely Fit @ Fifty and Kartini Adventurers (Carpet). Even their women hikers will be planning a climb of Mount Himalayas, and celebrate Kartini Day, 21 April 2010 at its peak. From this news proves that women are not as mere wingking kanca, friends in the back of the husband only, is correct! The proof, they also can move without having to nag at her husband. Mountain climbing with other women, even when they were aged over 50 years. Said the woman has a female connotation. If a woman, could be interpreted in the Java language Wani styled, laid out bold; the word woman, who comes from the word masters and women, more women katimbang connotes more honorable. Because master said, means the honorary title meaning master or an expert (especially dagger), and the ladies, the place of gold or silver betel. Women, meaning that people should be respected, and the price is quite expensive because like gold, which includes precious goods. So, women should be respected and honored. Perempuan in our country, Indonesia, almost all women mengidolakan called Kartini. Nation's heroes, who have fought for equality (emancipation) between women and men. Kartini, also a man who has struggled to keep the women also get an education, just like men. If we want to translate rather broadly, the woman said the mother was also identical. While the mother said, has its own meaning efficacy. Why not? Imagine, when in the Indonesian language, no words Thumb, Mother Earth, Mother's Day, Mother Country, Mother Elf, and the Mother City, and probably many more. If the words we try to be contradicted, then there will never be told: Mr Jari, Mr Prithvi, Mr. Day, Mr. State, Mr Elves, and Mr Town. These words to convince us all that women are identical to the mother is certainly a great or powerful, smart called women. This commitment to strengthening its Great Prophet Muhammad, which put the mother on the order of one to three in the respect and always glorify it. Just then all four digits, you mentioned. Women, not always weak, it is evident that there are women's aged 50 years and over were still brave, and will climb the Himalaya mountains, in commemorate Kartini's Day this year. Women, it could become a formidable leader. Happy days and Kartini, and the women do not always feel weak. Get excited, like the women community @ Fifty and Fit Carpets's.
Earth Day
Given the date of 22 April 2010 is International Earth Day, then we do well to remind residents to return to Indonesia, including ourselves, to not do mischief on earth. Environmental issues is sometimes forgotten just like that, and even people realized when the disaster came suddenly. Floods, for example, who drowned thousands of people's homes. For the human casualties that did not have time to find survivors, because the flood came suddenly. Similarly, a landslide that buried the man alive in an instant. Moreover earthquake disasters like the tsunami in Aceh, which wiped out thousands of people and houses. So fast, so sudden. Really, all that is divine signs, and also a sign that people should not do mischief on earth. Humans should take care of the earth, so that the earth remains sustainable and remain comfortable for humans inhabited the next, from generation to generation. Let's preserve the earth, by requiring a human child planted one tree, in commemoration of Earth Day this year. Remembering Earth Day means we have to realize that the world is getting older, we make it unfit for growing old, growing worse, and we still do damage to the natural surroundings. No! Not necessarily so! Together, we planted trees in town, so the city could also breathe. Have heart or lung PRU city, called the urban forest. Clean also the river of sewage and wastewater, so that the city increasingly so beautiful.
Literature Day

Not many people know, that on April 28 is the commemoration of Literature, which at that date past 1949 years, is the date of death of the poet's untamed beast, Anwar. Although the setting April 28 as the Day of Literary reap the pros and cons of the writers at the time, but certainly many of the students faculty higher the literature at various universities, will be commemorated. Why is that? Because Anwar is a milestone in Indonesian belles letters in his time, and still recognized until now. Even literary critic, a predicate pope of Indonesian literature, HB Jassin; the poet Anwar, or who have a predicate of the untamed beast that has been named as a literary figure of Indonesian Armed Forces' 45. Chairil, from the record Jassin. turned out during the period 1942 to 1949 only made 70 of his own writing original poetry, four rhyme adaptations, translations of 10 poems, prose original six, and four prose translations. Not much apparently! But his name is soaring high into the sky map of Indonesian literature. So did his work, which does not exceed the length of his age, even his poem entitled 'I' has exceeded the previous century. From the 20th century to the 21st century. To remind the poem entitled 'I' it, we uploaded his poetry as a whole in this paper. Here is a temple-temple: If it until my time / 'I want no one' right to seduce / Not so you / / No need to snivel that / / I'm untamed beast / From herd wastage / / Let the bullet penetrate my skin / I'm still inflamed crashing / / blood and I can take running / Running / Till lost poignant fairy / / And I will be more no matter / / I want to live another thousand years / / March 1943. Listening to the contents of explicit and implicit in the poem, someone is going to feel how a Chairil, was a hero who never gave up. Any persuasion will not even shake his will to keep moving. Similarly, if any bullets that will freak body, he will remain inflamed his dream was struck by the willingness. There were no injuries could be, still take courage to keep running, grabbed a goal until the smarting wound vanished. No matter! Chairil, then locked his poem with the sentence: I want to live another thousand years. A fighting spirit that was never going to die. Kartini's struggle to emulate, the earth must be maintained sustainably, and spirit Anwar should not die in Indonesia this beloved earth.

WOMEN IN THE philosophy of life

WOMEN IN THE philosophy of life

ni gurindam twelve melayu kite
If you want to about the nation,refer to the mind and language,If you want to know people who were happy,so keep that in vain.If you want to know the man noble,look at the behavior of him.If you want to know the knowledgeable,asking questions and learning will never be bored.If you want to know the person who understands,in the world to take stock.If you want to know people of good temperament,look at when mixed with the crowd.Monday, April 13, 2009ABOUT WOMEN

FemaleIt was hot my brain, thinking about everythingRoll tide wait, when scrolling figHuh ...., A daunpun fall, apart from the dry stalksYes .. he fell blowing a light breeze that sweptUntil the passing dihadapku, if he was an angel.
Sneered my mind, the ninja throughall her neat tertupiStep with the spirit, his heart dropped downFull walk humble.
It will still exist women trembleManjaga holiness, fragrant body the teaser is notCloser to the powerWomen whose love is priceless

Said the woman, considered to be derived from the Sanskrit, with a basic word that means lust wan, so that words have meaning dinafsui woman or a sex object. In the Java language (Jarwo Dosok), said female means Wani laid out, it means daring to set. And of the two interpretations were possible all fit with our desire desires "(men) mostly, perfect if our mind is the basis of mere lust. Because it is a lot of assumptions that are considered suitable by the woman that she is a creature of this world that makes it both under-caste, she was trivial and therefore it is natural weak or digonta dipacari presumably to replace the boyfriend, she often missed the caresses of the opposite sex, women's percentage is more from the opposite sex so if only one then girlfriend as where the fate of the rest. Yes all the that is presented today, can not be denied and denied, and the whole expression which returns a woman as the jahili after the error and before the messenger of a noble down.
With various excuses or often called the background that often embody attitudes and behaviors of the woman herself or from the opposite sex, how sex workers are scattered to cushion economic hardship, how chickens chickens roaming the campus intellectual activities were interrupted, how to kiss and caress the menu in the dating ( taghozzul), how love is meant to be misconstrued to be one for the way of lust, how aurat do not wake up and become something good for sold, how much like romeo n Juliet or Laila majnun proposition represented as a form of love even if not entitled, excuses that often emerge from in the name of love. All women become objects positioned away from the teachings jahili haqiqi.
Today, the condition of most women is far from fulfilling the criteria as women who receive guidance (Muslim women) .. criteria although it is difficult and frequently encountered thorny steep road, which for much less undergo melihatnyapun fear, the road that is often despised and considered incompatible with the heart.When the first birth of women abused each buried alive, a servant or slave, but different when Islam was born he positioned three times compared to men, to always be touched by the love and glory, heaven is under her feet. But the rose will be meaningless if what is inside and that there dilingkungannya really understand the glorious creation of God on this one, because dizaman now highly dependent of the individual and the social world if he would be glorified and memulliakan or just the opposite. Yet when viewed from heavy duty his back, a woman giving birth, breastfeeding, parenting, raising future leaders of our future leaders, whether he is ready and able to result in the best products, or vice versa, the real potential that exists within the prospective leader is determined by bagroundnya, will be it good bad or he fore. Solehah women who did not turn a blind eye is also a pillar of state and or civilization.
In this paragraph, the Islamic woman is a woman who respected and always maintain her honor, which upheld a woman and always try mengabil uswah of his lord, the woman who submitted to the Divine love, love for, of and by the scriptures. But Islam is not confined to women even more remarkable "each of you is leader and every leader will be questioned about his leadership." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
Proof; heaven under his feet, glorious, powerful, activist, independent, spirit, lead, gentle heart, the more so is wisdom. Women every lekuknya so meaningful, beauty, coolness, balance, correlation and the Lord for the beauty of the world who saw him with hudan (instructions). But really it all, Or did she now agree with kejahiliahan? Or is because times have changed so much from Islamic akhlaqpun? Or indeed destiny no more women Solehah? Or indeed the material is everything to no avail god clues? Or indeed because of his intelligence until his heart was not able to read our final destination? Or what else the scapegoat?. It seems that one is me, because I had become dirty and rusty and fossilized, I dalah our hearts, which was rare until the long run is not at all the cool dew tertetes God, many sins used to the small-to long run a great sin was considered normal, His farthest from the street means damage to the liver so as to decide to become a woman was impeded commendable.
Finally, we both know that women are also human beings, as fellow human beings should then nothing could feel more, more before God the Creator is dependent penghambaannya rate, because with it he became a noble penghambaanya and will receive his award from .Some Islamic Women's Achievement: Entin Kartini, Ship Captain of the First Women in Indonesia, never take the boat from Germany to Indonesia. Ida Fiqriah, Heroine (captain) Indonesian pilot of commercial aircraft R-Bush 330. Police Brig Rumiah (Banten Police Chief) "women are more patient, thorough and humanist" he said. Banten Governor Ratu Atut Khofsiah. Yossi Anita, firefighter (flame tamer team members) the city of Padang, the first female brigade. Letda Fariana Goddess aviator, fighter pilot Air Force helicopter was the only woman and the first in the homeland, "she hopes to become an instructor pilot, inshaAllah" he said.
Let women who already have a predicate of Islam, then learn what we choose it, predicates that take into laudable, do not we stop to work, enthusiasm, optimism, gentleness does not make us to bermanja-pampered, to be follow the road for women who have predicate true Muslim woman. God love the beauty, the beautiful creations that are women, do not ruin the beauty of good that you see it.
'A'uzubillahi minassyaithonirrojim (I seek refuge in GOD from Satan the accursed temptation), al lazi yuwaswisufisudurinnas ((satan) who whispers evil into the chest Man) jinnatiwannas minal (from among the jinns and humans)


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